If your man suddenly just disappears, you start thinking: Hey, even the busiest man in the world, US president Barack Obama, finds time for his wife and kids, and this guy can't find time for me? Does my guy think he's busier than the President? So even if he gives you multiple reasons for his backing off, his actions betray his lack of commitment. Men show their love by their actions. If he really loved you, he'd take the time, and if he doesn't, you need to find someone who does.
Still, it is worth looking at some specific reasons why men just disappear. Some may help you change the situation. Recognizing other reasons may help you accept the situation.
You try to control him
You are a freak in the sense that you've become very possessive, expecting so much from him, and giving him obligations of doing this and that. When a man feels like he can't do anything without your permission, or you stand in his way when he likes to do something, it gives him the thought that he will never be happy as long as he is with you. When a girl tells a man that she won't have sex unless she is positive that the relationship is going somewhere, he is driven away. He knows she is using sex to manipulate him.
He is only in it for sex
Some men only want sex, nothing more and nothing less. Not all men are like this, but many of them are. They will maintain a basically physical relationship, but when you start asking about where the relationship is going, they move onto the next relationship. This is one reason why men just disappear.
There's someone else
If a man suddenly just disappears from a steady relationship, it is probably for someone else. The new woman may be somebody he has long been dreaming of, or she may be an earlier girlfriend he has not given up on.
He feels like he doesn't deserve you
He may feel he would want you for a wife, but he isn't able to support a family yet. He may grow to see you as a woman with whom to have a serious relationship, and he may not feel he can maintain a serious relationship. If he feels he doesn't deserve you, it may be a matter of bad timing -- men can quite suddenly come to see themselves as ready for marriage, and until then it seems impossible for them.
The relationship is not progressing quickly enough for him
Women might be thinking why do men just disappear after all those romantic dinners, hugs, and kisses? One big reason is that he got tired of waiting for that night that you'll sleep with him. Try to look at it in a man's perspective. He expects a relationship to be an exchange, both giving and both getting. Sex is a driving force for men. It is very important to them, not only for the pleasure, but because physical intimacy is typically a man's sole form of intimacy, his only chance to feel close to another human being. If intimacy is not developing, he will need to seek it elsewhere.
If men keep disappearing, give it some thought. Maybe you are making a bad choice of men, or maybe you are making it hard for them to stay.
Still, it is worth looking at some specific reasons why men just disappear. Some may help you change the situation. Recognizing other reasons may help you accept the situation.
You try to control him
You are a freak in the sense that you've become very possessive, expecting so much from him, and giving him obligations of doing this and that. When a man feels like he can't do anything without your permission, or you stand in his way when he likes to do something, it gives him the thought that he will never be happy as long as he is with you. When a girl tells a man that she won't have sex unless she is positive that the relationship is going somewhere, he is driven away. He knows she is using sex to manipulate him.
He is only in it for sex
Some men only want sex, nothing more and nothing less. Not all men are like this, but many of them are. They will maintain a basically physical relationship, but when you start asking about where the relationship is going, they move onto the next relationship. This is one reason why men just disappear.
There's someone else
If a man suddenly just disappears from a steady relationship, it is probably for someone else. The new woman may be somebody he has long been dreaming of, or she may be an earlier girlfriend he has not given up on.
He feels like he doesn't deserve you
He may feel he would want you for a wife, but he isn't able to support a family yet. He may grow to see you as a woman with whom to have a serious relationship, and he may not feel he can maintain a serious relationship. If he feels he doesn't deserve you, it may be a matter of bad timing -- men can quite suddenly come to see themselves as ready for marriage, and until then it seems impossible for them.
The relationship is not progressing quickly enough for him
Women might be thinking why do men just disappear after all those romantic dinners, hugs, and kisses? One big reason is that he got tired of waiting for that night that you'll sleep with him. Try to look at it in a man's perspective. He expects a relationship to be an exchange, both giving and both getting. Sex is a driving force for men. It is very important to them, not only for the pleasure, but because physical intimacy is typically a man's sole form of intimacy, his only chance to feel close to another human being. If intimacy is not developing, he will need to seek it elsewhere.
If men keep disappearing, give it some thought. Maybe you are making a bad choice of men, or maybe you are making it hard for them to stay.