Health & Medical Health Care

Understanding Toenail Infection - Facts on Nail Fungus

Nail fungusis also known as Onychomycosis.
It refers to a condition which the nails of the toes or the nails become colored and eventually disintegrate.
Unless you have a biology background, you may not be familiar with fungus.
After all, they are not the most popular animals or plants.
In fact, they are neither plants nor animals.
These organisms range from the micro and invisible fungi to the large sized popular dinner serving of mushrooms.
Some of them are edible by man while others are toxic and may only serve to provide medicines or poisonous substances.
Fungi have therefore been used by man in various industries ranging from the food to medicinal, agriculture and others.
Fungi also enjoy a symbiotic relationship with man.
They use man's material creations or byproducts and also his or her own body for their growth and survival.
This is the case of nail fungus infection which may lead to complete loss of your nail, toe and feet.
Nail fungus infection can only occur under conditions in which the nail hard surface made of keratin is made soft.
This can happen due to several reasons.
Some of the common reasons include nail polish which is always placed on the nail thus preventing the aeration and encouraging establishment of the fungal colony.
Inappropriate hygiene of the feet will also lead to wet conditions which allow the enzymes of the fungi to act in the medium and the eventual formation of the roots of the fungi.
Other causes include softening of the hardened part of the nail by losing the keratin part, this may be due to physical abrasion or use of chemicals; poor diet and ill health leading to low immunity against fungal infection among others.
The main part of the nail that is affected the nail plate.
This is the hardest part that also gives shape to the nail and the toe.
It is made of keratin, which is a continuum of dead matter and the connective tissues.
This is the part that if made soft or made loose in its connection with the nail root or nail bed, would give room for fungal infection.
While treatment for nail fungus infection do exist in form of oral pills or topical creams, it is advisable that hygienic care and good diet be exercised for sustainable management.
While some of the oral medications may have serious side effects and may need prolonged period of usage, they are also expensive.
Keep the toenail dry to prevent other infections such as athletes foot.
Seek advice from your physician where you are not sure of what to do.
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