Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

The Foundational Sales and Closing Technique - The Art of Good Questions

Just the other day I invited a sales person to my office because I had a large printing project coming up.
Being a sales trainer, I've seen all extremes when it comes to sales people.
This commercial printer rep was the classic "show up to throw up" sales person.
His sales technique consisted of coming to my office with literally boxes full of his best work.
He then proceeded, until I cut him off 20 minutes later, to tell me why his printer was the best and how he was the best price in town.
The funny thing is...
he never actually asked me what I needed or what problem I had.
Needless to say, he didn't get the sale.
This sounds like an extreme example, but unfortunately, its rather common place.
Sales is a dirty word to most people.
Why? Well let's face it - there are a lot of bad sales people out there.
They come and gab your ear off about why they are the best solution without taking a single moment to actually uncover the need.
No wonder the biggest reasons I find that sales professionals don't close the sale are price and not understanding the value they had to offer.
So why ask questions? When it comes sales techniques, the best thing you can do is to keep the prospect talking.
  • It gives you more information to work with.
    The more you know, the more likely you will be able to find a problem and establish a need.
  • It take the pressure off of you! Sales is hard enough.
    Put the prospect on the spot.
    They let you in for a reason.
    Find out why.
Learning to actively listen is another foundational sales technique.
All to often I see people who cut off the prospect because they heard a trigger word.
The sales person jumps down their throat telling them why their product will solve their need.
Don't think about the next thing you have to say.
Absorb what the prospect is telling you.
When you do this, the sales objections will melt away! Remember - When you are telling you are not selling, when you are solving the sale is evolving!
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