- 1). Write "Thanks You's" at the top of an index card and below it, a one-sentence introduction that includes your name. The speech will start by thanking the crowd for coming to the concert, thanking the band or bands that have already played and thanking the venue for holding the event.
- 2). Make a rough outline of the speech below the introduction on the index card. Include each talking point that you want to touch on and any specific quotes or figures you want to remember.
- 3). Practice each part of the speech in front of the mirror until you are able to deliver the message without looking at the index card. Enunciate clearly in dynamic tones while putting emotion behind each word you are saying.
- 4). Deliver the speech alone in a car using a loud voice to get the power behind your words that will project through the public address system.
- 5). Step on stage at the concert and deliver the speech that you outlined and practiced. Musicians are respected for their passion, and you can gain the respect of the crowd by showing passion for your message.
- 6). Stay on point and charge ahead with the speech, even if you get heckled or booed by the rock concert crowd.
- 7). Ask the concert-goers if they are excited about the other band or bands that are playing that night when your speech is completed.