Health & Medical Parenting

Setting Boundaries And Limits For Your Child

Of course every child is different.
After all, how boring would the world be if everyone was exactly the same? I'd venture to say it'd be quite boring! Since every child is different, so should your disciple tactics and rules for your child.
I have read many articles on why scare tactics should not be used while disciplining children.
Some of these include
  • Teens simply do not respond to scare tactics
  • Children do not learn anything from meaningless consequences
  • All respect from your teen is lost
  • Using scare tactics is the quickest way to undermine your credibility
I think these are credible reasons; however, I believe that using the scare tactic can and is useful when used appropriately, definitely not all of the time, and shouldn't be used for really big issues.
However, if you actually follow through with the 'scare,' then your child may realize that when you do use this tactic that you mean business.
But, if you use it a lot and never follow through, then I think the above reasons do and will apply.
Fair, firm, and constant discipline, in my opinion, is the best way to go when disciplining any child, but especially teenagers.
  • Allows your child / teen to feel safe
  • Allows your child / teen to take responsibility for their actions
  • Teaches respect for adults
  • Allows your child / teen to understand and expect the rules to be enforced
I think these reasons hit the nail on the head.
Children are actually drawn to structure, discipline, rules, etc.
because this is what makes them feel safe and secure because they know what is going to happen and why.
Stability in any child's life, especially when there are disruptions (i.
divorce, a move, etc.
), will help them feel better about the situation because they will have that stability to fall back on.
In addition, we must set limits, rules, and expectations for our children starting at a very young age, such as when they start crawling.
Four ways to set limits and rules with your child include:
  • Communication is key - communicate where the limits are
  • Let your child /teen have a say in the limits - this lets them feel in control of the limits as well and will likely help them adhere to the limits
  • Be consistent - this is a HUGE one for me because most parents aren't consistent
  • Be fair - being fair is a big one for me because if you're not fair your child / teen will know it!
These are all great ways to set the limits and rules with your child.
Keep in mind that your child must experience life, too.
You can't shut them in forever.
You really do have to let them fall, get hurt, fail, and make mistakes so that they can learn from what they've done and become better people for it.
I know it's hard to watch your child do any of these things.
All you want to do is hold them and protect them from harm.
But, you can't do that forever, so the more experiences they have as a child and teenager, the better off they'll be as adults.
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