The philosopher Protagoras (c. 480-411 B.C.) was born in Abdera in Thrace, about 480 B.C. Protagoras was the earliest known sophist who taught for pay. His teaching was so valued that Plato says he earned more than the combined earnings of Phidias and ten other sculptors. He was paid 100 minae by some students.
In Plato's dialogue, Theaetetus, Socrates refutes the teaching Protagoras included in his Truth (Alethia).
In 411 Protagoras was accused of impiety (asebeia) by Pythodorus (Aristotle calls him Euathlus). Protagoras' punishment consisted either of banishment or burning of his book On the Gods (Peritheon). The essence of his teaching is contained in the quote:
Reference: Diogenes Laertes Lives of the Eminent Philosophers: Protagoras
Famous quote of Protagoras:
The philosopher Protagoras (c. 480-411 B.C.) was born in Abdera in Thrace, about 480 B.C. Protagoras was the earliest known sophist who taught for pay. His teaching was so valued that Plato says he earned more than the combined earnings of Phidias and ten other sculptors. He was paid 100 minae by some students.
In Plato's dialogue, Theaetetus, Socrates refutes the teaching Protagoras included in his Truth (Alethia).
In 411 Protagoras was accused of impiety (asebeia) by Pythodorus (Aristotle calls him Euathlus). Protagoras' punishment consisted either of banishment or burning of his book On the Gods (Peritheon). The essence of his teaching is contained in the quote:
"Man is the measure of all things; of what is, that it is; of what is not, that it is not."
Reference: Diogenes Laertes Lives of the Eminent Philosophers: Protagoras
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Famous quote of Protagoras:
"There are two sides to every question,"
according to Protagoras, in Diogenes Laertius' Lives of Eminent Philosophers.