Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Treating Cervical Cancer the Natural Way

Cervical Cancer.
A cervical cancer is described as a cancer that is formed in the tissue of the cervix.
A cervix is an organ that connects the uterus and the vaginal in the female reproductive system.
Cervical cancer is a slow growing cancer and may not show any early symptoms, it may however be detected through a regular Pap test.
This is a medical test that involves scraping of cells from the cervix to be tested by looking through with a high powered microscope.
It is known that almost all cervical cancers are caused by a HPV (human papilloma virus).
The HPV is a virus that is commonly spread by sexual intercourse.
Other risk factors of cervical cancer include: 1.
Having sex at early age 2.
Multiple sex partners 3.
Weak immune system 4.
Birth control pills 5.
Smoking 6.
Having many children The good news is that when cervical cancer is detected early, it is most of the time treatable.
What then are the symptoms of cervical cancer? Symptoms of cervical cancer Cervical cancer symptoms may include all of the following 1.
Abnormal vaginal bleeding 2.
Bleeding that occur between menstrual periods 3.
Bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching or pelvic exams 4.
Bleeding after going through menopause 5.
Longer, heavier and more painful menstrual periods 6.
Increased vaginal discharge 7.
Abnormal pain during sexual intercourse 8.
Pelvic pain Stages in cervical cancer There are five stages in cervical cancer.
The stages are measure of the spread of the cancerous cells.
These stages include 1.
Stage 0: this stage is normally referred to as carcinoma situ.
It is an indication of a non-invasive cervical cancer.
At this stage, the cells are only found on the surface of the cervix, and because the cells have not spread, it is known to be highly treatable.
Stage 1: Here cancerous cells have spread beyond the surface of the cervix and have invaded the whole cervix, but they are yet to spread beyond the cervix.
At the stage, the cancer may or may not be visible to naked eyes depending on the size of the tumor.
Stage 2: This is the stage when the cells have spread beyond the cervix but are still confined within the pelvic area.
At the stage, the cancerous cells may have spread to the two thirds of the vagina but may or may not cover the tissue around the uterus.
Stage 3: At this stage, the cancerous cells have spread to the lower third of the vagina, may also have spread to the pelvic wall and may have caused kidney damage.
At this stage, the tumor may have become large enough to block the flow of urine from kidneys to the bladder, causing damage to the kidneys.
Stage 5: This is the most dangerous and final stage of cervical cancer.
Here, the cancerous cells have spread to all other parts of the body.
They cells may have spread to organs around cervix such as bladder and rectum; the cells may have also spread to distant organs like lungs.
What you must know when you are diagnosed of cervical cancer There are about seven questions you need an answer to when you are diagnosed of cervical cancer.
These questions are 1.
What stage is the cancer? The question explains how far the cancer has spread.
What treatment options are available? These options vary with the stage of the cancer, the patients and so on.
What treatment options are suitable for me? And what are the success rates of the recommended treatment options.
Is there any side effect to the recommended treatments? 5.
How soon can the treatments begin? 6.
Am I permitted to seek other expert's opinion? 7.
What will be the cost of the treatment? Treatments of cervical cancer There are four common treatments for cervical cervix.
These are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and alternative therapy.
However, before any treatment options are considered, many factors must be put in place.
These include the type and stage of the cervical cancer, health condition, age and marital status of the patient.
Surgery: this process involves a surgical removal of lymph nodes, cervix and its surrounding tissue, or removal of uterus, cervix and some part of the vagina.
In some cases however, ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed.
This treatment is however suitable for women who have passed child bearing age or those that has made up their minds to stop child bearing.
The side effect is that many women find it psychologically difficult to cope with sexual advances from their husband after this surgery because of hormonal and body changes.
Chemotherapy: This involves the treating of cancerous cells with drugs.
These drugs are made to kill the cancer cells but most of the time they also destroy the good cells in the body resulting to more harm than good.
Radiation therapy: This is a process whereby high energy x-rays or other types of radiations are used to reduce tumor size or to kill cancer cells.
However, the side effects of this is exactly like that of the chemotherapy treatments as the rays kills bad an d cancerous cells, it also kills good cells in the body causing great havoc to the whole system in the long run.
Alternative therapy: This involves the treatment of cervical cancer through herbs and other means apart from the normal orthodox approach.
This method has been proved to be the most safe and effective method of combating this deadly disease.
The reason is simple, while other methods attempts to either cut off the cells or the part of the body already infected, or use drugs in an attempt to destroy the cells; alternative therapy does something strangely different and effective.
Why is cancer a terminal disease? Medical science has so far been able to find two approaches to the treatment of cancer.
The first is to destroy the source of the disease by cutting off part or the entire affected organ, and the second approach is by increasing the body's ability to fight the disease.
The irony of the fact is that when a drug is used to kill the cancerous cells, good cells are destroyed first.
When food supplements are used to nourish the body to increase the immunity, cancerous cells are also nurtured and they become stronger.
Both ways, the cancerous cells wins and thereby result into the death of its victims.
What then is the way out? Recent studies have shown that cancer cell thrives in purely acidic environment.
About 85% of cancer patients are acidic in their blood system.
Healthy body condition should have a PH of about 7.
35 to 7.
Cancerous cell cannot survive in a purely alkaline environment.
This explains why babies don't have cancer; their PH is known to be purely alkaline.
As people grows into adulthood, what they eat and the lifestyle they live gradually affects their body PH and they end up become acidic.
This helps cancer cells to grow and blossoms.
A renowned American nutritionist Professor Ragnar Berg said our daily diet should consist of 20% acidic and 80% alkaline food to maintain a healthy body.
Acidic foods are meat, sea food, rice, sugar, cheese, canned foods.
These formed the larger part of every adult daily diet even though they are supposed to be only 20% of our daily diets.
Alkaline foods on the other hands are vegetables, fruits, and root crops.
These supposed to make about 80% of our daily diets to have a healthy body.
The food of an average adult in this contemporary world contains 100% acidic and no alkaline.
This is a good breeding ground for cancer.
The alternative therapy uses a proven method to turn the acidic nature of the body to alkalinity.
This helps to weaken the cancer cells and restore sound health to the body.
How does Alternative therapy achieve this? Edmark international has introduced a product called Splina Liquid Chlorophyll.
Chief among the functions of Splina liquid chlorophyll is the conversion of the body PH from acid to alkalinity.
This product when used in conjunction with Shake off phyto fiber and MRT complex will not only convert change the acidic content of the body to alkaline, it will also see to the elimination of the deadly cells from the system.
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