- 1). Fill the old bucket with water to make sure that it does not leak. Seal any leaks or cracks with silicone sealant. Let the sealant dry.
- 2). Cut a 3- to 4-foot length of copper pipe. The pipe will channel the water from the bucket to the faucet.
- 3). Measure the height of the bucket. Mark the copper pipe from one end a distance equal to the bucket height plus 2 inches. Drill a 3/4-inch diameter hole halfway through the copper pipe at the mark.
- 4). Solder the copper fitting to the base of the faucet. Solder one end of the copper pipe inside the copper fitting. Make sure to wear protective glasses and heavy work gloves when soldering. Turn the faucet to the open position.
- 5). Place the bucket in the desired spot for the water fountain. Insert the 3-foot length of #4 rebar 15 inches into the ground beside the bucket. Insert the open end of the copper pipe over the rebar. The faucet should be directly over the bucket.
- 6). Place the submersible fountain pump inside the bucket, close to the copper pipe. Measure the distance from the fountain pump spout to the faucet. Cut a length of plastic tubing equal to this length.
- 7). Fit one end of the plastic tube over the fountain pump spout. Feed the other end through the hole in the copper pipe, up to the faucet. Drape the power cord from the pump over the side of the bucket beside the copper pipe.
- 8). Dig a 2-inch deep trench from the bucket to the power source to cover the power cord. Fill the bucket with water, up to 2 inches from the top rim. Start the pump.