Fly problems around homes separate into two basic categories€"summer or warm season problems and cool weather or overwintering fly problems. Even though the same fly species can be a problem in both warm and cool weather, control methods are different for these two seasons.
Home fly control is important to good sanitation and family health. If there are only a few flies around at any one time, then the breeding area may not be on your property. Since flies feed and lay eggs in areas such as garbage cans or dog kennels which are sources of food odors, cleaning these areas eliminates the problem.
Fortunately, you can get rid of the flies - or at least keep them under control. Some of these measures will take some time and a little bit of money, but you'll be glad that you did it when you can sit down and enjoy a nice meal outside.
If large numbers of flies are present in your yard, then there is probably a fly breeding site on your property or nearby. Look for areas where flies may be breeding; clean up these areas and make whatever changes necessary to prevent this condition from recurring. The residual insecticides listed in Table 1 can be sprayed into the areas where maggots breed after clean-up. This gives temporary protection against further maggot development.
If the source of the flies is not on your property try to locate it and have the responsible persons help solve this problem. If cooperation can not be obtained from the other person, contact your municipal or state health department to seek their assistance. Do not suffer with a serious, persistent fly problem that results from someone else's neglect.
Various non-toxic traps can eliminate, or at least reduce, the fly control problem. There are many different traps on the market. You can use a few different types at the same time or find one that works the best for you and use it exclusively. Some traps that work well outdoors include:
€ Fly paper. Some types are scented to help attract more flies. All are extremely sticky, making escape impossible. Tack these up all around your gathering place: the flies will stick to the paper, not to your food.
€ Pheromone-loaded traps. The pheromones attract flies. The sticky paper or core keeps the flies from leaving once they show up. These are safe to use around your family, but you should still keep them away from children and pets.
€ Cage- or wire-type traps. These require some bait - slightly-rotten food usually works well - without the disgusting mess of some other traps. You can search the Internet for directions on how to make your own trap or you can order a pre-made version.
€ Natural fly traps. Various traps contain natural ingredients that attract flies. There are many styles on the market, with all sorts of ingredients.
However you go about controlling the flies, be patient and ready to try new things. Sometimes you can make your current traps work better by moving them over a few feet. In other cases, you'll have to try an entirely different trap. Be patient and keep trying: you'll find the setup that best protects your family and your food.
Check out Fly Control Auckland for best reliable assistance needed
Home fly control is important to good sanitation and family health. If there are only a few flies around at any one time, then the breeding area may not be on your property. Since flies feed and lay eggs in areas such as garbage cans or dog kennels which are sources of food odors, cleaning these areas eliminates the problem.
Fortunately, you can get rid of the flies - or at least keep them under control. Some of these measures will take some time and a little bit of money, but you'll be glad that you did it when you can sit down and enjoy a nice meal outside.
If large numbers of flies are present in your yard, then there is probably a fly breeding site on your property or nearby. Look for areas where flies may be breeding; clean up these areas and make whatever changes necessary to prevent this condition from recurring. The residual insecticides listed in Table 1 can be sprayed into the areas where maggots breed after clean-up. This gives temporary protection against further maggot development.
If the source of the flies is not on your property try to locate it and have the responsible persons help solve this problem. If cooperation can not be obtained from the other person, contact your municipal or state health department to seek their assistance. Do not suffer with a serious, persistent fly problem that results from someone else's neglect.
Various non-toxic traps can eliminate, or at least reduce, the fly control problem. There are many different traps on the market. You can use a few different types at the same time or find one that works the best for you and use it exclusively. Some traps that work well outdoors include:
€ Fly paper. Some types are scented to help attract more flies. All are extremely sticky, making escape impossible. Tack these up all around your gathering place: the flies will stick to the paper, not to your food.
€ Pheromone-loaded traps. The pheromones attract flies. The sticky paper or core keeps the flies from leaving once they show up. These are safe to use around your family, but you should still keep them away from children and pets.
€ Cage- or wire-type traps. These require some bait - slightly-rotten food usually works well - without the disgusting mess of some other traps. You can search the Internet for directions on how to make your own trap or you can order a pre-made version.
€ Natural fly traps. Various traps contain natural ingredients that attract flies. There are many styles on the market, with all sorts of ingredients.
However you go about controlling the flies, be patient and ready to try new things. Sometimes you can make your current traps work better by moving them over a few feet. In other cases, you'll have to try an entirely different trap. Be patient and keep trying: you'll find the setup that best protects your family and your food.
Check out Fly Control Auckland for best reliable assistance needed