Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

How to Get a Guy to Propose - 11 All Too Common Reasons You Can"t Get Your Guy to Propose

How do you get a guy to propose? You've been dating for quite awhile now and in your heart you know he's the one, but he doesn't seem to be in any big hurry to pop the question.
Are there ways to get him to propose? This article will help teach you 11 reasons men are hesitant about commitment.
Read to the end and you'll have a much greater understanding of how men view marriage and what you can do to get the proposal you want.
11 Reasons He Won't Propose To You Below are 11 reasons you may not be able to get him to propose.
  • He fears the added responsibilities (especially financially) of providing for you and a future family.
    Men know a woman's income usually drops once she's married and kids arrive.
  • He fears losing his bachelor lifestyle and being able to hang out with his male buddies.
  • He fears he won't be able to pursue other goals and dreams once he gets married.
    For example, many men choose a job that pays more money after they're married instead of doing something they love because they feel obligated to provide for you.
  • He fears he will lose his privacy and alone time.
    These are extremely important to men.
  • He's comfortable with the relationship the way it is.
    He may be thinking, "Everything is great the way it is.
    What difference will getting married make?" If he doesn't have to give anything up to get the companionship, sex, and intimacy he needs from you, then he may see no point in getting married.
  • He fears you will change once you're married.
    Men love women the way they are.
    The girl he fell in love with is the woman he always wants you to be.
    However, men know that women tend to gain around 15lbs after marriage and may not work as hard to maintain their appearance since there's no one else to impress.
  • He fears you will try to change him or lose respect for him.
    Your man knows the pressures of marriage, family, etc.
    can cause a woman to show less admiration toward him and point out more of his faults and flaws.
  • He's too young and simply not ready to settle down.
    Being married isn't a top priority for him right now.
  • He's worried devotion, intimacy, and sex will diminish.
  • If he's been married before, he may be afraid the same painful situation will occur again.
  • He may not be capable of caring for someone that deeply.
    Some men are simply narcissistic.
One of the tricks to getting a man to propose to you is to understand why men are hesitant about commitment.
If you understand his fears, then you can help alleviate some of them through your actions and increase the chance of him dropping to his knee before you're old and gray.
For example, if you want to learn how to get a guy to propose to you, then you can discuss how you will be financial partners to alleviate some of his financial concerns.
You can work hard to maintain your appearance for him and show him how much you appreciate him rather than focusing on all the things he does wrong.
You can admire him for how hard he works and view the way he provides for you as a gift rather than complaining that he's never home to spend time with you.
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