Vision therapy exercises work.
All it takes is a few minutes per day.
When you train the eye muscles and develop the correct visual habits, you will find your vision improving in just a few short weeks.
People generally seem to think that your eyesight is determined only by the shape of the lens in your eye or the shape of the eye itself.
But this is a huge misconception.
Although the lens in your eye and the shape of your eye are both important factors in determining how well you can see, these are only two parts in a whole visual process that involves thousands of tiny unconscious eye movements relaying information to the brain.
In the end it is your brain that interprets the image and does the 'seeing' not your eyes.
Have you ever noticed that your vision is better on some days than on others? As an example, a lot of people find that their vision gets worse when they are stressed out or tired.
This is because stress can disrupt the hundreds of tiny movements your eyes make every SPLIT-SECOND even when staring at one point on a fixed object.
This is something that happens unconsciously.
You have no control over it.
It has been scientifically demonstrated that these tiny eye movements have to happen at the right speed and with the right coordination for you to have clear vision.
When you get stressed out, you lose the coordination in these movements and as a result, you get less than normal vision.
Stress can also disrupt the mind-eye connection and the brain's ability to interpret the image.
The reason your eyesight gradually gets worse over time is not just down to stress.
If you have poor eyesight, it is very likely because you have developed poor eye habits.
The WAY you use your eyes can actually make you lose the coordination in these tiny eye movements over time.
It can also disrupt the connection between the eyes and the brain, and also the way the brain itself interprets the image.
Putting a pair of glasses in front of your eyes or using contact lenses is a quick-fix.
It doesn't correct the underlying problem and it does not make your vision any better WITHOUT glasses.
If anything, wearing corrective lenses makes your vision WORSE without glasses.
Because as soon as you start to wear glasses, your eyes no longer strive to correct the poor coordination in their movements, and your brain no longer makes the effort to improve the interpretation of the image.
How Vision Therapy Exercises Work Vision therapy exercises on the other hand, work by fixing the underlying problem.
They involve relaxation techniques such as 'palming' and exercises such as 'switching and swinging', which actively improve the ability of your eyes to make perfectly coordinated movements for crystal clear vision.
Rebuild Your Vision Today Using This Powerful Eye Exercise Many of these exercises rely on relaxation, which is a key component of any natural vision improvement program.
Palming is one such exercise which relies on the process of deep local relaxation of the eyes and generalized relaxation of the mind and body to bring about quick and lasting visual enhancement.
Palming is a simple exercise that requires only the use of your hands.
All it takes is a few minutes per day.
When you train the eye muscles and develop the correct visual habits, you will find your vision improving in just a few short weeks.
People generally seem to think that your eyesight is determined only by the shape of the lens in your eye or the shape of the eye itself.
But this is a huge misconception.
Although the lens in your eye and the shape of your eye are both important factors in determining how well you can see, these are only two parts in a whole visual process that involves thousands of tiny unconscious eye movements relaying information to the brain.
In the end it is your brain that interprets the image and does the 'seeing' not your eyes.
Have you ever noticed that your vision is better on some days than on others? As an example, a lot of people find that their vision gets worse when they are stressed out or tired.
This is because stress can disrupt the hundreds of tiny movements your eyes make every SPLIT-SECOND even when staring at one point on a fixed object.
This is something that happens unconsciously.
You have no control over it.
It has been scientifically demonstrated that these tiny eye movements have to happen at the right speed and with the right coordination for you to have clear vision.
When you get stressed out, you lose the coordination in these movements and as a result, you get less than normal vision.
Stress can also disrupt the mind-eye connection and the brain's ability to interpret the image.
The reason your eyesight gradually gets worse over time is not just down to stress.
If you have poor eyesight, it is very likely because you have developed poor eye habits.
The WAY you use your eyes can actually make you lose the coordination in these tiny eye movements over time.
It can also disrupt the connection between the eyes and the brain, and also the way the brain itself interprets the image.
Putting a pair of glasses in front of your eyes or using contact lenses is a quick-fix.
It doesn't correct the underlying problem and it does not make your vision any better WITHOUT glasses.
If anything, wearing corrective lenses makes your vision WORSE without glasses.
Because as soon as you start to wear glasses, your eyes no longer strive to correct the poor coordination in their movements, and your brain no longer makes the effort to improve the interpretation of the image.
How Vision Therapy Exercises Work Vision therapy exercises on the other hand, work by fixing the underlying problem.
They involve relaxation techniques such as 'palming' and exercises such as 'switching and swinging', which actively improve the ability of your eyes to make perfectly coordinated movements for crystal clear vision.
Rebuild Your Vision Today Using This Powerful Eye Exercise Many of these exercises rely on relaxation, which is a key component of any natural vision improvement program.
Palming is one such exercise which relies on the process of deep local relaxation of the eyes and generalized relaxation of the mind and body to bring about quick and lasting visual enhancement.
Palming is a simple exercise that requires only the use of your hands.
- Sit or lie in a comfortable position, preferably with the lights dimmed.
- Rub your hands together so they are warm, and place your palms over your closed eyes so you cover them completely.
- Become aware of the intensity of the darkness that you see with your eyes closed.
If your eyes are not deeply relaxed already (highly likely), you will see colors, dots of lights or sparks. - Over time as your eyes relax more and more, these will disappear and the blackness you see will deepen.