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Hemorrhoid aversion... angelic or discouraging?
I've been finding that after I use the bathroom and wipe with a wet-wipe I burn really weakly (note I've been using wipes for several years). Lately I've be seeing blood as well when I wipe... After doing some research online I thought it may be hemorrhoids so I bought...
Hemorrhoid back please!?
I have what i believe is a small external hemorrhoid right on the edge of my anal introductory, and it rarely hurts but im still not sure if thats what it is..all the symptoms point to yes..1. Is that what i really enjoy?2. What do i do to make it go away?3. Will...
Hemorrhoid back please. can i burst it?
i was wondering is it safe to burst my (external thrombosed) hemorrhoid as if it be a blister or something. i heard there's alot of bleeding can i burst it? i keep it verbs of coursePWEEEEEESE (O)__(O) Ouch! I wouldn't do it. I know you're probably desperate...
Hemorrhoid backache serve?
Ok I have had 2 children. With my first child i get hemorrhoids while i was pregnant but it was mild. after my first labor though it be very bad BUT after a few months it go away. Now I have had a second child but near this child I had bad...
Hemorrhoid beneficial?
I started with Hemorrhoids Fri, little pain. On Sat they be so bad pain so discouraging i was crying went to dr give me pain med I have singular take 2 of them. Told me to take the thaw out bath use the tucks. I have be doing that. Today the pain is...
Hemorrhoid Bleeding again...why me?
I had rubber ligation 5 months ago when i had insurance but immediately I dont have insurance. It started to bleed again and i dont know what to do. when I have a complicated bowel movement it starts to bleed. what do I do now. soaking in a tub of...
Hemorrhoid bleeding, can i still use salve interior?
I picked up my ointment cream today, im pregnant and got hemorrhoid my first time. But when i get home, i notice its bleeding and I haven't opened the emolument cream yet. Now the bleeding is less and seem to be just a spot, do i still use...
Hemorrhoid bothering me A LOT. Someone please support?
About 2-3 days ago, I started off with a single Hemorrhoid. I hold been taking warm baths for the recent past couple of days, and I went and saw my doctor today. she prescribed me Ultram for pain and proctofoam HC some cream or something. Today after resembling...
Hemorrhoid concern...what do i do?
i think i'm having my first hemorrhoid(there's some blood at the wrapping up of my stoole)...should i see a doctor? There are many reasons why as frequent as half of the population will at some time develop Hemroids (alternative spelling Hemorrhoids). The most common cause are actually very simple - excess...
Hemorrhoid cream for lower than eye heaps?
is it true that that cream helps reduce the appearance of baggs?which brand is gud for that ? does it smell unexpected? what have your experiences been i can solitary answer the cream smells weird i just smelt mine No, please don't do that! Its true that...
Hemorrhoid cream why do some general public use it on their skin, does it oblige acne?
Some use it as anti skin irritation. It really depends upon the acitve ingredients contained by the cream. Most hemorrhoid creams contain anti-inflammatory agents like Hydrocortisone or Diphenhydramine which are available over-the-counter. Source(s): it's used...
Hemorrhoid cross-examine, population who own have one I necessitate your warning?
Alright I know its gross but I need some advice. About a week and partly ago I developed my second hemorrhoid of my life, my first was almost 2 or 3 years ago when I was 17. The first one went away in a week...
Hemorrhoid cross-examine?
I had this hemorrhoid like a month and a partly ago, it was big and it hurt, now it doesn't hurt anymore and it shrinked, but it's still near!! It is like a little lump within my butt. I am 25 and I don't know what to do. Has anybody had a similar experience?...
Hemorrhoid cross-question?
Ever since this past Monday after relieving myself, and then cleaning myself, I notice my Hemorrhoid was a little bigger than usual, almost similar to a swelling feeling. So everyday including today since Monday It swells up as I use the restroom. The last time it be like this was when I be constipated...
Hemorrhoid cross-question?
I've had my hemorrhoid for quite some time in a minute, and until recently it hasn't really made my life knotty or anything. I think hard be a bad word to use. Really about 2 weeks ago I go to use the restroom in the morning and( this may sound nasty) but my bowels...
Hemorrhoid diagnosis....whats this adjectives going on for? pls educate me?
my friend was diagnosed grade 4 hemorrhoid concluding march 2008. also in his medical cert the doctor remarked a procto sogmoidoscopy stapled and he be advised 30 days rest.just this sept. he be diagnosed thrombosed external hemorried and in operations the doctor wrote procto hemorrhoidectormy and...
Hemorrhoid discomfort can't stand how?
i am going to lose my mind completely. i just demolished a bunch of things in my room because of this hemorrhoid headache that's useless, pointless worthless evil. suppositories useless, 5 minutes of relief. big deal. sitz hip bath most useless of all. icepack, only slight nouns while shoved up rectum....
Hemorrhoid doctor?
I've had an external hemorrhoid for a couple of years...I've changed my diet long ago and it hasn't bled or caused me any niggle for at least a year. Butt it still itches. And it's so unsexy. What kind of a doctor do you see to gain this removed? Regular...
Hemorrhoid exam!?
im going to the doctor to get my hemorrhoid examined does anyone know what they will do to me? I regard as they will have a look to see if they are internal or external and then probably dispense you some cream to shrink them,if they are really bad they will make an app...
Hemorrhoid examine...HELP?
i have what seems to be hemorrhoids but i presently i have almost like sores close to that nouns but now actually on the this from the rrhoids? what could this be? i have rrhoids once before after giving birth and then this time they be really itchy and then became SUPER raw!!...
Hemorrhoid facilitate. Need key abet?
Okay so I finally went to a doctor and they told me I have a hemorrhoid. They give me a list of surgeons but no other suggestions. I thought they may tell me that I inevitability more fiber intake, or to use a hemorrhoid cream, so I really don't know what...
Hemorrhoid aversion... angelic or discouraging?
I've been finding that after I use the bathroom and wipe with a wet-wipe I burn really weakly (note I've been using wipes for several years). Lately I've be seeing blood as well when I wipe... After doing some research online I thought it may be hemorrhoids so I bought...
Hemorrhoid back please!?
I have what i believe is a small external hemorrhoid right on the edge of my anal introductory, and it rarely hurts but im still not sure if thats what it is..all the symptoms point to yes..1. Is that what i really enjoy?2. What do i do to make it go away?3. Will...
Hemorrhoid back please. can i burst it?
i was wondering is it safe to burst my (external thrombosed) hemorrhoid as if it be a blister or something. i heard there's alot of bleeding can i burst it? i keep it verbs of coursePWEEEEEESE (O)__(O) Ouch! I wouldn't do it. I know you're probably desperate...
Hemorrhoid backache serve?
Ok I have had 2 children. With my first child i get hemorrhoids while i was pregnant but it was mild. after my first labor though it be very bad BUT after a few months it go away. Now I have had a second child but near this child I had bad...
Hemorrhoid beneficial?
I started with Hemorrhoids Fri, little pain. On Sat they be so bad pain so discouraging i was crying went to dr give me pain med I have singular take 2 of them. Told me to take the thaw out bath use the tucks. I have be doing that. Today the pain is...
Hemorrhoid Bleeding again...why me?
I had rubber ligation 5 months ago when i had insurance but immediately I dont have insurance. It started to bleed again and i dont know what to do. when I have a complicated bowel movement it starts to bleed. what do I do now. soaking in a tub of...
Hemorrhoid bleeding, can i still use salve interior?
I picked up my ointment cream today, im pregnant and got hemorrhoid my first time. But when i get home, i notice its bleeding and I haven't opened the emolument cream yet. Now the bleeding is less and seem to be just a spot, do i still use...
Hemorrhoid bothering me A LOT. Someone please support?
About 2-3 days ago, I started off with a single Hemorrhoid. I hold been taking warm baths for the recent past couple of days, and I went and saw my doctor today. she prescribed me Ultram for pain and proctofoam HC some cream or something. Today after resembling...
Hemorrhoid concern...what do i do?
i think i'm having my first hemorrhoid(there's some blood at the wrapping up of my stoole)...should i see a doctor? There are many reasons why as frequent as half of the population will at some time develop Hemroids (alternative spelling Hemorrhoids). The most common cause are actually very simple - excess...
Hemorrhoid cream for lower than eye heaps?
is it true that that cream helps reduce the appearance of baggs?which brand is gud for that ? does it smell unexpected? what have your experiences been i can solitary answer the cream smells weird i just smelt mine No, please don't do that! Its true that...
Hemorrhoid cream why do some general public use it on their skin, does it oblige acne?
Some use it as anti skin irritation. It really depends upon the acitve ingredients contained by the cream. Most hemorrhoid creams contain anti-inflammatory agents like Hydrocortisone or Diphenhydramine which are available over-the-counter. Source(s): it's used...
Hemorrhoid cross-examine, population who own have one I necessitate your warning?
Alright I know its gross but I need some advice. About a week and partly ago I developed my second hemorrhoid of my life, my first was almost 2 or 3 years ago when I was 17. The first one went away in a week...
Hemorrhoid cross-examine?
I had this hemorrhoid like a month and a partly ago, it was big and it hurt, now it doesn't hurt anymore and it shrinked, but it's still near!! It is like a little lump within my butt. I am 25 and I don't know what to do. Has anybody had a similar experience?...
Hemorrhoid cross-question?
Ever since this past Monday after relieving myself, and then cleaning myself, I notice my Hemorrhoid was a little bigger than usual, almost similar to a swelling feeling. So everyday including today since Monday It swells up as I use the restroom. The last time it be like this was when I be constipated...
Hemorrhoid cross-question?
I've had my hemorrhoid for quite some time in a minute, and until recently it hasn't really made my life knotty or anything. I think hard be a bad word to use. Really about 2 weeks ago I go to use the restroom in the morning and( this may sound nasty) but my bowels...
Hemorrhoid diagnosis....whats this adjectives going on for? pls educate me?
my friend was diagnosed grade 4 hemorrhoid concluding march 2008. also in his medical cert the doctor remarked a procto sogmoidoscopy stapled and he be advised 30 days rest.just this sept. he be diagnosed thrombosed external hemorried and in operations the doctor wrote procto hemorrhoidectormy and...
Hemorrhoid discomfort can't stand how?
i am going to lose my mind completely. i just demolished a bunch of things in my room because of this hemorrhoid headache that's useless, pointless worthless evil. suppositories useless, 5 minutes of relief. big deal. sitz hip bath most useless of all. icepack, only slight nouns while shoved up rectum....
Hemorrhoid doctor?
I've had an external hemorrhoid for a couple of years...I've changed my diet long ago and it hasn't bled or caused me any niggle for at least a year. Butt it still itches. And it's so unsexy. What kind of a doctor do you see to gain this removed? Regular...
Hemorrhoid exam!?
im going to the doctor to get my hemorrhoid examined does anyone know what they will do to me? I regard as they will have a look to see if they are internal or external and then probably dispense you some cream to shrink them,if they are really bad they will make an app...
Hemorrhoid examine...HELP?
i have what seems to be hemorrhoids but i presently i have almost like sores close to that nouns but now actually on the this from the rrhoids? what could this be? i have rrhoids once before after giving birth and then this time they be really itchy and then became SUPER raw!!...
Hemorrhoid facilitate. Need key abet?
Okay so I finally went to a doctor and they told me I have a hemorrhoid. They give me a list of surgeons but no other suggestions. I thought they may tell me that I inevitability more fiber intake, or to use a hemorrhoid cream, so I really don't know what...