Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Translating From Home

Translating from home seems like a dream to most speakers of a foreign language. Polyglots, we are called. I am a polyglot, but I speak several languages - seven - I would admit to, others say nine, but their standards may be lower than mine.

However, the fact is that you do not have to be fluent conversationally to be able to translate. You need to be fluent conversationally in order to interpret, which is a totally different job.

An interpreter carries out a real-time translation of a conversation; a translator translates documents - ie not in real-time. A further thing that lots of polyglots do not realise is that, translators are only required to translate into their mother tongue. This makes sense and it also makes translating simpler.

Under these circumstances, a translator is unlikely to produce text that does not 'sound correct', whereas translating in the other manner might make problems. Working from home or an office, a translator has the time and the resources to get the translation 100% right before submitting it.

Submitting it where? If you can translate as outlined previously, you could do a search on 'translation agencies' or 'translation bureaus'. This is not difficult. Numerous bureaus or bureaux are crying out for translators because of what is called the 'global market'.

In fact this is not a new idea. On a personal level, I translated Honda's German campaign for the Honda Accord around 40 years ago. I translated the original document into my mother tongue, which is English.

Forty years ago, I was paid 65p a line. As there are 60 characters and spaces in a line in a normal document, I was being paid about ... well I would have got about $3 for this paragraph. Forty years ago!

I was a newcomer then, and I do not know what novices can expect now, but even if nothing has changed in forty years, 65p or $1 a line is better than digging holes. With the added benefit that you are able to work from home or anywhere in the world you can use an Internet connection.

I know that most people from English-speaking countries have a real problem learning foreign languages, but have faith in me, it is all in the head. It has to do with feelings of superiority. For those who do not suffer those worries, translating from home is a immense job opportunity.

So, how do you begin? Well, small translation agencies often specialise in particular languages, larger ones will take on more languages. They will have staff to proof read what you submit. It goes without saying that you ought to spell-check your wok, but in my experience, small errors will not penalise you, if they do not occur frequently.

Assuming that you know a foreign language well enough to translate it, the only other requirement is punctuality. A bureau will make commitments to its clients and so will require them from you. A translation bureau wants accurate work delivered on time and for a professionally-minded translator, that should not be difficult at all.

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