The Affordable Care Act probably should have been named the Expensive Mandatory Insurance Act or EMI of course, EMI was already taken and they would have sued for copyright and trademark infringement.
The Expensive Mandatory Insurance Act could have been EMIA, but that is already a medical term meaning; having to do with the blood or something in the blood.
So, I doubt they would have wanted to be associated with such an acronym either.
Let's expand this conversation.
You see, the ACA or Affordable Care Act wasn't called the Affordable 'Health' Care Act, which makes me wonder if this is only the start of a massive new entitlement program.
Affordable Care after all could be anything having to do with 'caring' and you or I or any of the socialist elite could potentially care about a lot of things, so this is problematic because the system could expand beyond belief - and probably will - as feature creep sets in, and we know as socialism roars on the snowball always expands until it comes apart - and the bubble bursts.
Let's say the ACA was called the AHA for (Affordable Healthcare Act) which would be a possibility, but then the AHA also stands for the acronym of the American Heart Association, and I bet they wouldn't have wanted anything to do with ObamaCare, because in the long run, it probably wouldn't be too good for your heart, perhaps people with weak hearts are already stressed to the max over the increases in premiums or cancellations of policies.
Of course, AHA is also the acronym for American Homebrewer's Association which might be more appropriate, because after finally seeing what was in that bill, before anyone ever read it, I think we could all use a drink about now? The AHA also stands for the American Historical Association which is also appropriate because ObamaCare is about to go down as one of the worst pieces of legislation in all of American History in my view.
Perhaps the law could have been the AHCA for Affordable Health Care Act, where Healthcare is two words, unfortunately that is already taken by the Afghan Hound Club of America - which I find to be the best of all, because the way I see it ObamaCare or the ACA (Affordable Healthcare Act) is a real dog, and a hairy one at that, (Harry Reid pun intended) but I digress, as I ponder; what's in a name, because in the end it's all the same - no matter what you call ObamaCare it is a train wreck in my opinion.
Please consider all this and think on it.
The Expensive Mandatory Insurance Act could have been EMIA, but that is already a medical term meaning; having to do with the blood or something in the blood.
So, I doubt they would have wanted to be associated with such an acronym either.
Let's expand this conversation.
You see, the ACA or Affordable Care Act wasn't called the Affordable 'Health' Care Act, which makes me wonder if this is only the start of a massive new entitlement program.
Affordable Care after all could be anything having to do with 'caring' and you or I or any of the socialist elite could potentially care about a lot of things, so this is problematic because the system could expand beyond belief - and probably will - as feature creep sets in, and we know as socialism roars on the snowball always expands until it comes apart - and the bubble bursts.
Let's say the ACA was called the AHA for (Affordable Healthcare Act) which would be a possibility, but then the AHA also stands for the acronym of the American Heart Association, and I bet they wouldn't have wanted anything to do with ObamaCare, because in the long run, it probably wouldn't be too good for your heart, perhaps people with weak hearts are already stressed to the max over the increases in premiums or cancellations of policies.
Of course, AHA is also the acronym for American Homebrewer's Association which might be more appropriate, because after finally seeing what was in that bill, before anyone ever read it, I think we could all use a drink about now? The AHA also stands for the American Historical Association which is also appropriate because ObamaCare is about to go down as one of the worst pieces of legislation in all of American History in my view.
Perhaps the law could have been the AHCA for Affordable Health Care Act, where Healthcare is two words, unfortunately that is already taken by the Afghan Hound Club of America - which I find to be the best of all, because the way I see it ObamaCare or the ACA (Affordable Healthcare Act) is a real dog, and a hairy one at that, (Harry Reid pun intended) but I digress, as I ponder; what's in a name, because in the end it's all the same - no matter what you call ObamaCare it is a train wreck in my opinion.
Please consider all this and think on it.