Q: Is there a magazine or web site that will rate the Kentucky "best car insurance programs"? I am looking for something that is cheap and will cover me if I'm in an accident.
Thanks for your advice.
A: There are hundreds of magazines and web sites that will proclaim to do just that, but the title of "Kentucky's best car insurance" is probably claimed by every company that has ever written a policy in Kentucky.
It is is one of those titles that doesn't really mean anything.
It is like when a burger place claims they make the best burger.
There is no data that can confirm it and any numbers they do have can be manipulated and reproduced by a rival company in about ten minutes.
It has been written time and time again on this site and every other reputable web site.
The only true way to find out the lowest quote in an area is to do the leg work.
Call, email, or visit as many online auto insurance companies as you can stand to in Kentucky.
The best car insurance policies should definitely stand out when you are finished.
It will be the policy that offers you the most coverage for the least money.
Seems so simple to type, but it is a lot of work.
Don't rush into anything and make sure the auto insurance policy you choose is right for you.
Saving money on your auto insurance is not difficult to do, it just takes a little bit of searching and comparison shopping to find the best deals.
Thanks for your advice.
A: There are hundreds of magazines and web sites that will proclaim to do just that, but the title of "Kentucky's best car insurance" is probably claimed by every company that has ever written a policy in Kentucky.
It is is one of those titles that doesn't really mean anything.
It is like when a burger place claims they make the best burger.
There is no data that can confirm it and any numbers they do have can be manipulated and reproduced by a rival company in about ten minutes.
It has been written time and time again on this site and every other reputable web site.
The only true way to find out the lowest quote in an area is to do the leg work.
Call, email, or visit as many online auto insurance companies as you can stand to in Kentucky.
The best car insurance policies should definitely stand out when you are finished.
It will be the policy that offers you the most coverage for the least money.
Seems so simple to type, but it is a lot of work.
Don't rush into anything and make sure the auto insurance policy you choose is right for you.
Saving money on your auto insurance is not difficult to do, it just takes a little bit of searching and comparison shopping to find the best deals.