Set up a Web Site Do not underestimate the importance of having a good e-book internet marketing strategy. It will make or break your success in terms of the number of copies your e-book sells, for more detail go to: the revenue and profit you ultimately receive from sales of your e-book.
The first and most important weapon in your e-book marketing arsenal must be a web site containing a sales page for the e-book. Your sales page should be well-designed and contain plenty of information about your e-book. This information should include features and benefits to the readers, and of course, testimonials from your satisfied customers.
Build Your Own Mailing List if you dont already have a mailing list and your own newsletter, start one. You may already have heard that, on average, people need to see a marketing message seven times before they will take action and place an order. A newsletter is a great way to keep your message in front of your audience on a regular basis, and at the same time you will be building up their trust in you as they get to know you and the quality of your information.
Sell Your E-book Through Click Bank Why use Click Bank? There are several reasons why I recommend that you consider selling your e-book through Click Bank. First, Click Bank is a very experienced partner to have when selling an e-book. There are already 10,000 publishers and authors selling information products using their system. For more detail go to: Bank has an army of 100,000 affiliates ready to jump on your bandwagon and start promoting your hot new e-book. Finally, Click Bank works neatly in conjunction with your own web site and newsletter. You simply add the special links given to you by Click Bank into your newsletter and web site, and whenever anyone clicks through your order link, they will be taken to a professional order form where they can pay using their credit card or Papal.
Article Marketing Article marketing involves writing articles and making them available for webmasters and editors to publish. To promote an e-book successfully using article marketing you should write articles on topics closely related your e-book. Your author's resource box should be a small paragraph or two about you including a direct link to the web page for your e-book. Besides being a good way to generate traffic, article marketing is a great technique for increasing your brand awareness.
Pay per Click Advertising Pay per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the quickest ways to drive traffic to your e-books sales page. It is certainly not the cheapest source of traffic, but it is probably the most effective technique to guarantee a large quantity of traffic, fast.
Regular Advertising Regular classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers and magazines. Many online rezones and email newsletters offer classified advertising spots. Advertising in these can be one of the best sources of targeted traffic, since you have the ability to select those newsletters with an audience that most closely resembles your own target audience. And don't dismiss offline classified advertising.
The first and most important weapon in your e-book marketing arsenal must be a web site containing a sales page for the e-book. Your sales page should be well-designed and contain plenty of information about your e-book. This information should include features and benefits to the readers, and of course, testimonials from your satisfied customers.
Build Your Own Mailing List if you dont already have a mailing list and your own newsletter, start one. You may already have heard that, on average, people need to see a marketing message seven times before they will take action and place an order. A newsletter is a great way to keep your message in front of your audience on a regular basis, and at the same time you will be building up their trust in you as they get to know you and the quality of your information.
Sell Your E-book Through Click Bank Why use Click Bank? There are several reasons why I recommend that you consider selling your e-book through Click Bank. First, Click Bank is a very experienced partner to have when selling an e-book. There are already 10,000 publishers and authors selling information products using their system. For more detail go to: Bank has an army of 100,000 affiliates ready to jump on your bandwagon and start promoting your hot new e-book. Finally, Click Bank works neatly in conjunction with your own web site and newsletter. You simply add the special links given to you by Click Bank into your newsletter and web site, and whenever anyone clicks through your order link, they will be taken to a professional order form where they can pay using their credit card or Papal.
Article Marketing Article marketing involves writing articles and making them available for webmasters and editors to publish. To promote an e-book successfully using article marketing you should write articles on topics closely related your e-book. Your author's resource box should be a small paragraph or two about you including a direct link to the web page for your e-book. Besides being a good way to generate traffic, article marketing is a great technique for increasing your brand awareness.
Pay per Click Advertising Pay per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the quickest ways to drive traffic to your e-books sales page. It is certainly not the cheapest source of traffic, but it is probably the most effective technique to guarantee a large quantity of traffic, fast.
Regular Advertising Regular classified advertising is a form of advertising which is particularly common in newspapers and magazines. Many online rezones and email newsletters offer classified advertising spots. Advertising in these can be one of the best sources of targeted traffic, since you have the ability to select those newsletters with an audience that most closely resembles your own target audience. And don't dismiss offline classified advertising.