- Job candidates during an interview must show their qualifications.confident businesswoman with look of success image by T.Tulic from Fotolia.com
Job interviews are an opportunity for job seekers to sell themselves to a potential employer. Effective job candidates must prepare to demonstrate their qualifications for a position and show how their personality fits well with the company. Knowing just a few helpful tips and good questions to ask during an interview will help job candidates claim their desired spot. - Prepare for a job interview by knowing exactly what job or jobs interest you and understanding the company's mission. Make sure you are ready to explain how your experience and accomplishments are helpful for a particular position and why you are the best candidate. In addition, have in mind some of your strengths and weaknesses just in case the employer asks about them, and also have in mind your long-term career objective. It's helpful to practice your interviewing skills with yourself or another individual.
- When preparing to travel to the interview, make sure you know your directions so you can arrive early. Look sharp and professional, and be well groomed. Avoid smoking before the interview or chewing gum during the meeting, and give the employer a firm handshake when you arrive. Also, listen well to the employer during the interview and make good eye contact. Be polite with everyone in the office, use proper English and answer each employer question confidently and concisely. Let the interviewer know the job opportunity excites you, and ask for a business card to follow up with a thank you letter or e-mail immediately following the interview.
- Bring about five copies of your resume to the interview just in case the interviewer does not have enough copies already. Also, bring a list of at least three references who can back up your skills and qualifications for a particular job. These could be previous employers or instructors, but first make sure these individuals have agreed to be your references. In addition, bring any certifications relevant to your desired position, letters of recommendation, records of achievement or transcripts that showcase your grades in classes related to your field.
- When asking questions of an employer about the company or the position, avoid questions to which you can easily find the answers on the organization's website. Otherwise, ask the employer about the day-to-day responsibilities of the job and the type of employee who fits well with the company. Also, ask the employer to explain the most challenging part of the job and if the company offers training opportunities. Inquire about the company's plans as well as its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, ask the interviewer about advancement opportunities.
- Ask the employer why the position is available and how long the position has existed or if it is a new position, according to Resumagic.com. Inquire about how many people have held the position in the past two years, which will give you a good indication of whether other people have liked the job. In addition, request information about who will supervise you and about the employees with whom you will be working the most. At the end of the interview, ask how many people the company is considering for the position and how quickly it wants to fill it. Do not ask questions about salary and benefits unless the employer makes you a job offer.
Interview Etiquette
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