Health & Medical Health News & Knowledge

Cosmetics Are Basically Nothing More Than Money Magnets

Of course we don't like to think we are, yet the powers that be surely think otherwise, and to add weight to the title of this article, we just have to look a the profits that are shovelled into the banks accounts of the large cosmetic companies month in, month out, year after year.

The last time you bought a particular skin cream for yourself, for example, you probably bought it for one of the following reasons:
  • You saw it advertised on TV or in a magazine
  • You were advised by a helpful sales assistant who convinced you that the particular cream was a good choice for your skin
  • You just happened to need a new cream
  • Some other reason

The reason doesn't really matter, you bought it and were obviously satisfied with your choice, and if it was a top end brand, then you rest assured that the quality of your expensive purchase is definitely reflected in the price. Well ladies, and guys that buy cosmetic gifts for their loved ones, it is time to take a step back, take a deep breath and take charge of the situation and hold your purse strings tight, or hang onto your wallets as the case may be.

Cosmetics is big business and the main aim is to make a profit, and people behind the corporate doors of any leading cosmetic company know exactly how to manipulate the unsuspecting customers and thereby secure themselves high scale salaries and corporate profits.

This is not a vendetta against the cosmetic manufacturers, but a wake up call to anyone and everyone who really needs to turn every dollar, especially when our money is better spent elsewhere. The advertising ploys, the apparent claims, (the emphasis being on the word "apparent"), and the beautiful women, mainly well known models, film stars and other celebrities and the glossy advertising posters have a hidden agenda. The agenda is to stop us reading the label. If we read the label, we would probably be shocked at the high price we are expected to pay for something that simply doesn't work.

The labels on most brands of cosmetics are a confusing maze of facts that create impressions. There are words that are frequently used within the cosmetic world that have certain meanings, and there are others that have a have a somewhat magical effect and they sound great, but in reality they mean absolutely nothing.
Words that are imported from, or borrowed from "dermatology" like epidermal or non-comedogenic are used to insinuate that a product is a proven and tested product and that it possibly has been subjected to and complies with the laws of a governing body. This is so NOT the case!

There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of different terms that are used and it is impossible to name every single one, but here is a good example: Non-comedogenic is often used when describing sun screen lotions and creams and moisturisers for people that suffer with acne. The cosmetic definition here is that the product will not cause more spots, zits or pimples than a person normally has or would have. The term is often used in connection with the term "oil free".

However, the experts inform us that after expensive testing where pimples are actually counted before and after a product is tested, and after a period of 1 to 2 weeks there are no new zits, then manufactures are legally free to make the claim. It is brought to the attention of people that do the research, that there are companies who use these kinds of terminologies without doing any testing, based on others results, and they use products that are known not to block the pores of the skin.

However, most cosmetic companies are operating within the law, even though at times they do appear to be walking a very fine line between truth and fiction. It isn't possible for us ordinary mortals to understand everything that is on a label, even if we do read it - but if you are in doubt, don't buy a product.

As with buying anything else we purchase these days, check online, and read up on the terminologies that the cosmetic companies use and if that is too much too ask, then one sure way to find out if a product works and it does what it claims to do is to buy it.

Suzi Carr also writes about her various topics and you are invited to visit her websites that discuss men's thongs [] and ladies underwear [].
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