Health & Medical Women's Health

Healthy Actions for Women Over 50

The physical changes women face in their bodies after menopause can be annoying, to say the least.
They can also be detrimental to women's health.
The loss of the hormone estrogen causes a loss of bone mass and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke.
Aging slows metabolism, making it more difficult to lose weight and keep it off.
Their bodies become deficient in nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, and B12.
However, the good news is that women can fight back against these health challenges, simply by making proactive changes in their lives.
These changes should include: • Reducing calories: The metabolism slowdown that began around the age of 40 continues - after the age of 50, women should be eating 200 fewer calories per day than they did in their thirties.
This is important in order to keep those annoying pounds from creeping up on them, particularly around their middles.
• Eating fewer processed foods: Most processed foods are high in salt, sugar and bad fats that wreak havoc on arteries.
By decreasing intake of these kinds of foods, women can protect themselves high blood pressure, heart disease, and some cancers.
• Eating high-fiber diet: Adding fiber to a diet protects women from heart disease and colon cancer.
Women should add more fruits, vegetables,whole-grains (bread, cereal, barley, quinoa, bulger, etc.
) and legumes to their diets.
• Exercising: This is important at any age, but becomes even more so after 50.
Exercise helps maintain and build muscle, effectively increasing our metabolism.
It helps fight off age-related diseases.
Three kinds of exercise are crucial to aging well: cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training.
• Adding calcium and vitamin D: The estrogen loss due to menopause means women are less protected against bone loss.
Adding foods such as sardines, canned salmon, kale, spinach, and of course, low-fat yogurt and other dairy products is important.
Women over 50 may also be low in vitamin D (a doctor can check this with blood testing) and may need to add a supplement to their diet.
The vitamin D also helps the absorption of calcium.
• Adding a vitamin B12 supplement: After age 50, women's bodies don't absorb this nutrient from foods as well as when they were younger.
In order to avoid a deficiency, which may eventually cause health concerns, a supplement may be needed.
• Eating Spinach: Aging eyes are vulnerable to macular degeneration, one of the main causes of vision loss in older people.
Spinach, along with other dark leafy greens such as broccoli and kale, are high in lutein and zeaxanthin, both nutrients that protect eye health.
Adding olive oil to the greens makes it easier for our bodies to absorb lutein.
These changes are simple, yet effective ways to help women maintain their physical health as they reach age 50 and beyond, providing them with the ability to enjoy positive, active aging.
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