- 1). First thing you want to do is lay down your base. Your base could be a solid piece of cardboard or glass. Use whatever you have available to you. After you have your base down then you need to start arranging your risers so that the jewelry will be at different levels which creates visual interest to any buyer. If you don’t have display risers then consider using books. Stack four up on one side then three on the other. Don’t forget to put the taller risers toward to back of the display.
- 2). Now that you have arranged your risers you want to start draping it in fabric. You can use one color or two or three--whatever you like. You want to make sure to cover all of the base and the risers. You don’t want your buyers to see the magic underneath. When you are arranging your fabric bunch it up in through out your display to provide more visual interest. Be sure to tuck under the seams of the fabric if they are not hemmed.
- 3). Now that the hard part is done, setting up the display, it’s time to have some fun. Take out all the jewelry you wish to display. You should put the nicest piece on the top risers because the buyers eye will immediately go to the top. Then trickle the other pieces down the display. Be sure the but the jewelry in nice jewelry boxes. You also could use satin or velvet pillow to drape some of the pieces on such as bracelets or necklaces.