Business & Finance Careers & Employment

First Day, First Impressions

Your first day in your new job is so exciting and just a little bit nerve-wracking too.
Everything is new, you are stepping into the unknown and your confidence levels might not be as high as on other days.
The good news is there are things you can do to improve this.
Practice and/or research the things you can:
  • Is your new office somewhere you went for interview? If so you know how to get there and how long it takes but will that be the same at commuter time? If you have worked in your last job until Friday and you are starting your new job on Monday there is no time to do a dry-run in weekday conditions but you can ask friends who work nearby or why not post a question on Facebook or Twitter? Also, the map and direction websites are often quite accurate if you key in a start time to your journey; they are designed to calculate for heavy volumes of traffic.
    If in any doubt at all leave half an hour before you think you need to and go and have a coffee or sit in the car / a park and read your book once you arrive
  • Do you know where staff park? Is there a dedicated car-park; if so it is likely to be a different set-up to that of attending an interview when you would have been allocated a visitors space.
    Will you need to pay and display? Do you have the right change? Or do you need a permit? If so where and when will you be issued with that? Where do you park in the meantime?
  • Is the office air-conditioned? If so, although it might be thirty degrees outside and brilliant sunshine you might need to dress for another season.
  • Spend some quiet time running through your first day in your mind.
    Set a positive intention that this will be a good day.
    See everything going well.
    You arrive on time.
    You are welcomed by someone you met at interview.
    You are given your desk, chair, computer and direct line number.
    You really like your colleagues at first sight...
    Run through this scenario at least three times in your mind.
    Only see what you want to happen and keep it all positive.
  • Think about practical items like food and drink.
    If you drink fruit tea or use sweeteners in your coffee take them with you.
    Is the office in town or on a business park? Will there be somewhere easy to walk to for lunch or should you take something pre-prepared from home?
  • Did you keep certain things in your office desk; mobile phone charger, packet of mints, own mug? Having those things to hand will make you feel in control of your own day, make sure you pack them to put in your new desk.
  • Make a note to yourself to smile, greet everyone politely and be interested in who they are.
    This will help with bonding and speed up the settling in process.
  • Remember that everyone else is trying to make a good impression on you too.
    This is not a one way street.
    They want to like and get on with you as much as you do them.
    Give people the gift of listening to them; how nice is it to meet someone that gives you undivided time and attention, even if it is only for two or three minutes.
  • Prepare to be happy.
    Prepare to enjoy your work.
    Remember you had a first day in your last job too and know that this is a fleeting moment in the story of your life which will pass.
    Feelings of discomfort will diminish and be replaced with a sense of knowing where you fit within the cog of this organisation.
    Be confident that you can get through this day.
Eyes forward, smile turned up, forwards you go! For help managing your career or making the transition from where you are to where you want to be please contact one of our Consultant Coaches at churchillbrook@gmail.
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