Mountain biking is a very risky affair in general. If you are an extreme rider, then specialist clothing items are very important to protect you from injuries. Downhill racing is one of the riskiest form of mountain biking and can result in deadly crashes. Therefore, it is important that you wear appropriate mountain bike pads and other armors needed to protect your skin during these crashes. For good protection it is important that your mountain biking gear is well-fitting without restricting your motion. Finding the right protective gear that fits you well may take time and therefore should be done well in advance before the riding date. Keeping this task pending till last date may need you to compromise on your safety.
Upper Body Protection:
Upper body armor is used to offer protection to entire upper body including chest, back, shoulders, elbows, back and spine. Typical upper body armor includes a vented chest plate and an articulated spine protection. Upper body armor is complimented with appropriate mountain bike pads for complete protection.These pads, such as elbow pads and ankle pads are important to complete the protection of the upper body. Some upper body jerseys also incorporate inbuilt elbow padding for added protection. However, separate mountain bike pads are recommended for free movement of body.
Lower Body Protection:
Protection of lower body is often taken care by padded shorts. Padded shorts are made with soft impact inner padding and hard outer shell. The inner soft lining is designed to protect hips, thighs, buttocks and tailbone while the hard outer shell protects knee and shin. Full leg versions are also available that offer complete lower body protection in one garment. For additional protection of lower body, separate mountain bike pads like knee guards, ankle guards and shin guards are preferred.
Helmet and gloves.
MTB helmets are a must have for mountain bike riders. Starting from basic riding to extreme riding, MTB helmets offer protection against dust, debris and even branches of trees. It takes care of your head, brain and skull in case of a clash. In extreme heat and extreme cold, MTB helmets make a shield around your head to protect it from extreme weather conditions.
Gloves covers palm and fingers to protect them from cuts and abrasion during heavy falls. In addition they offer a strong grip and protect your hands against heat and cold. In case of purchasing extreme riding gloves, more emphasis is given on higher impact resistance.
Upper Body Protection:
Upper body armor is used to offer protection to entire upper body including chest, back, shoulders, elbows, back and spine. Typical upper body armor includes a vented chest plate and an articulated spine protection. Upper body armor is complimented with appropriate mountain bike pads for complete protection.These pads, such as elbow pads and ankle pads are important to complete the protection of the upper body. Some upper body jerseys also incorporate inbuilt elbow padding for added protection. However, separate mountain bike pads are recommended for free movement of body.
Lower Body Protection:
Protection of lower body is often taken care by padded shorts. Padded shorts are made with soft impact inner padding and hard outer shell. The inner soft lining is designed to protect hips, thighs, buttocks and tailbone while the hard outer shell protects knee and shin. Full leg versions are also available that offer complete lower body protection in one garment. For additional protection of lower body, separate mountain bike pads like knee guards, ankle guards and shin guards are preferred.
Helmet and gloves.
MTB helmets are a must have for mountain bike riders. Starting from basic riding to extreme riding, MTB helmets offer protection against dust, debris and even branches of trees. It takes care of your head, brain and skull in case of a clash. In extreme heat and extreme cold, MTB helmets make a shield around your head to protect it from extreme weather conditions.
Gloves covers palm and fingers to protect them from cuts and abrasion during heavy falls. In addition they offer a strong grip and protect your hands against heat and cold. In case of purchasing extreme riding gloves, more emphasis is given on higher impact resistance.