When treating gout it's important not only to treat the symptoms, but also to prevent recurring gout. And diet plays a key role in this. Discover here which foods to avoid in treating gout with diet.
Your gout is caused by the presence of uric acid crystals in your joints. These can form when you have retained high uric acid levels in your blood because your kidneys have not been able to process and flush excess uric acid from your body, or, your body is just producing too much uric acid in the first place.
It is your body's own metabolizing process that helps to produce uric acid; in particular, the breakdown of chemical compounds in your cells called 'purines.' But purines also exist in our foods at various concentrations. So the very food your eat adds to the amount of uric acid being produced in your body. The more purines present the more uric acid produced.
So, as gout sufferer, you need to determine if your present diet has too many foods that are high in purines. If so, then you need to eliminate, or at the very least, seriously reduce your intake of those foods. You also need to seek out relatively low purine foods and add more of these to your diet.
You'll need to avoid foods within the following; fatty red meat, game, offal (organ meats), shellfish, some fish, poultry, legumes, gravies, and yeast. Although not a food, you also must avoid alcohol: Beer in particular is a well known trigger for gout.
Low purine foods that form a good gout diet are; low-fat dairy produce, green leafy vegetables (but not cauliflower, asparagus or spinach), high vitamin C foods, essential fatty acids and complex carbohydrates. And eat plenty of fresh fruit, particularly cherries.
A healthy diet is very important in treating gout, particularly because frequent gout attacks over time can damage you health. In particular, leaving you with permanently damaged joints and kidney problems, such as agonizing kidney stones. There is also some evidence of high blood pressure.
And there's more, because you also need to look into other important issues surrounding gout, such as your weight, lifestyle, medications you may be on, underlying conditions, family history of arthritis / gout, etc.
You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online [see below] that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.
And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.
Your gout is caused by the presence of uric acid crystals in your joints. These can form when you have retained high uric acid levels in your blood because your kidneys have not been able to process and flush excess uric acid from your body, or, your body is just producing too much uric acid in the first place.
It is your body's own metabolizing process that helps to produce uric acid; in particular, the breakdown of chemical compounds in your cells called 'purines.' But purines also exist in our foods at various concentrations. So the very food your eat adds to the amount of uric acid being produced in your body. The more purines present the more uric acid produced.
So, as gout sufferer, you need to determine if your present diet has too many foods that are high in purines. If so, then you need to eliminate, or at the very least, seriously reduce your intake of those foods. You also need to seek out relatively low purine foods and add more of these to your diet.
You'll need to avoid foods within the following; fatty red meat, game, offal (organ meats), shellfish, some fish, poultry, legumes, gravies, and yeast. Although not a food, you also must avoid alcohol: Beer in particular is a well known trigger for gout.
Low purine foods that form a good gout diet are; low-fat dairy produce, green leafy vegetables (but not cauliflower, asparagus or spinach), high vitamin C foods, essential fatty acids and complex carbohydrates. And eat plenty of fresh fruit, particularly cherries.
A healthy diet is very important in treating gout, particularly because frequent gout attacks over time can damage you health. In particular, leaving you with permanently damaged joints and kidney problems, such as agonizing kidney stones. There is also some evidence of high blood pressure.
And there's more, because you also need to look into other important issues surrounding gout, such as your weight, lifestyle, medications you may be on, underlying conditions, family history of arthritis / gout, etc.
You're in luck though. There's a special gout report available online [see below] that has all the information you need in one place. It is what thousands of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to prevent their gout returning. It also contains a special 2 hour gout pain relief program.
And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit two ways: (1) you get rid of your excruciating pain very fast, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so that you reduce the risk of permanent damage.