Society & Culture & Entertainment Reading & Book Reviews

I Feel This Way About All Of You Whether I Am In Chains Or Defending All Of Your Grace With Him

As I am in chains
and all of you are free
please have pity on me
and help me to overcome this perilous fate,
as this is my call, my request and my plea
For there is nothing greater than the nature of liberty,
without it just where would we be
Only a despot would believe
that he could control the great gospel of the ocean,
or the scripture of an eternal ever-changing sea
When the wind comes whipping with the rain
in torrents, it is a lesson for all of us to understand
Yet somehow it can escape us, as we believe that we can harness
the marrow of a horse, the temperament of a pony, a gelding or a steed
Still once we were a fair witness to this birthright that we had,
in certain places such a longtime ago
traversing the valley, galloping upon the land
But soon the preachers would come with their muskets and their guns,
a different code of conduct, talk of love, but bloodshed all around
The mind was always their purpose, their objective and their goal
into your head they would pry, splitting skulls and moving everything else
completely awry,
the lust for power, to garner strength, a means to satisfy their souls,
wolves in sheep's clothing, a hypocrisy that could never be denied
So in their wake we have had an infusion of misuse, psychological abuse,
fairy tales, whimsical stories, fantastic trips, cautionary movements
in a run up to the trail
Still the power that they have continues to shine like a faded flower
forever struggling in the dirt with blood on their fingers they move it around
in muddy soil that appears as if it has been soaked in the muck of a million boar
Yet they continue with their actions traveling with their push carts, their caravans
and their cars rushing on dusty roads, the highway and the scenic skyline
Oh, the great irony of it all, soulful people in prison however imperfect they may be,
searching for a way out, reflecting upon their lives swimming in a river
looking for a gilded stream but the converse is much more disconcerting,
separated from their intentions living a lie self-aggrandizement a killer of the cross
inflicting pain upon those who choose to live away from the unforgiving hand of fate
frightened by the thunder in the distance, blood before the train,
lightning in a blue wave or current on a cold portentous day

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