- Rhapsody lets you stream music on a variety of devices.the lovely blond woman with headset on white background image by Valentin Mosichev from Fotolia.com
Rhapsody allows the user to stream music to a variety of devices for a low monthly cost. The music does not download to your device, it only plays through it in real time. Rhapsody offers devices including MP3 players, cellular phones, and multiple types of home entertainment equipment. - Rhapsody supports a variety of MP3 players. The models that are compatible are available in a variety of storage sizes ranging from 2 GB on up. The compatible devices are The Apple iPod Touch 32GB 3rd Generation, which uses an application to access Rhapsody, The SanDisk Sansa Fuze and the SanDisk Sansa Clip Plus. Also compatible are the Phillips GoGear Aria, Vibe, Muse, and SA52. As of 2010, these listed were the only supported MP3 players.
- For the iPhone, Android, and Blackberry smart phones, Rhapsody offers an application that allows you to use the Rhapsody service. As of 2010 Verizon Vcast supports certain cellphones that enable Rhapsody. You have to have a subscription to Verizon Vcast and a subscription to Rhapsody for this to work. As of 2010, the phone models that can use Rhapsody through Vcast are the BlackBerry models that follow: 9650 Bold, Curve 3G 9930, Curve 8530, Storm 2 9550 and Tour 9630. Samsung models include The Fascinate, Intensity II, Omnia II, and Convoy. LG models are The LG Envy Touch (CPO) and the LG Envy 3 (CPO.) Pantech models are The Pantech Jest and Pantech Cruz. The Casio models G'zone Ravine, G'zone Brigade, and Casio EXILIM are supported, as well as the Motorola Devour and Barrage, The HTC Imagio and the Verizon Wireless CDM8975.
- Rhapsody can be found on a variety of other devices too. As of 2010 there are six multi-room audio systems that support the service -- for example, the Sony Multi-Room Music System or the Longitech Squeezebox duet. Compact and portable audio devices such as the Sonos Zoneplayer S5, the Longitech Squeezebox Radio, or the Denon S32 Networked audio System also work. As of 2010 there were seven compact devices supported. Additional systems that are not just for audio, but utilize the Rhapsody service, include but are not limited to the Vizio XTV, the TiVo HD DVR, the HP Touchsmart Notebook PC, or the Philips Streamium NP2500. As of 2010 there are approximately 28 home entertainment options that allow you to use Rhapsody.
- If you are on a computer with internet access, you can sign in to your Rhapsody account and listen on your computer.
MP3 Players
Applications and Cell Phones
Home Entertainment Equipment