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Yes, You Can Work at Home!

Commuting to the office has never really been anyone's idea of a good time.
Whether you have to face cramped public transportation every morning and evening, or you feel like you spend more time sitting in your car in rush hour traffic than you do anything else, making the daily trek to the office is no fun.
Then, there is life in the office itself.
Between dealing with your boss and dealing with your co-workers, it's a wonder how you get anything done.
For all of these reasons, the idea of working from home sounds like a dream to most people.
After all, you can work in your PJs, set your own schedule and never have to face that long journey to the office again.
But is it right for you? Working from home can be a great thing, but the truth is, it's not for everyone.
Before you make the commitment to making your home double as your office, you have to be sure this style of working will suit you.
Here are all of the things you need to consider before you give up the car keys or the subway card for good.
First, you have to consider the logistics of being a home based worker.
Do you have - or can you get - everything you need to get going? Do you have a fast, reliable internet connection, a computer and a phone line? A lot of people are opting to use their cell phones instead of landline phones these days, but for business purposes, you should really have a landline phone installed - and even better, you should have a dedicated line.
What about your working environment? Do you have a quiet place you can do your work, away from the lure of daytime talk shows, kids and housework? Don't count on running your career from the coffee table - you'll need a place free from distractions.
Also, consider the type of work you do.
Not all jobs lend themselves to home based working, and if you constantly need to run things by co-workers, the office might be the best place for you.
Next, you have to decide if your personality and work style are suited to working from home.
Great though it may be, working from home can be extremely distracting.
The chores will be calling out to you, if you have kids at home, they'll want your attention, and then there is the freedom to surf the net, watch TV and more without anyone looking over your shoulder.
You could find you're not very productive unless someone is there to keep you on task.
Further, some people find working from home isolating.
If you crave the social aspect of an office, your place is there.
Working from home can be a great solution for many people, but if you don't think carefully before you make the leap, it could be a disaster.
Do your research - and some hard thinking - before you set up office at home.
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