- Catch the Balloon is a fun game to play at a birthday party. Have the kids sit down in a circle on the floor, and assign a number to each kid. Choose one kid to be "it." The kid who is "it" will stand up, and while dropping a balloon, call out a number. The kid who was assigned the number just called has to stand up and catch the balloon before it drops on the floor. If he didn't catch it, the kid who was "it" calls another number. If the kid catches it, he is now "it" and the game continues until all of the balloons have been caught, or all kids have gotten a chance to be "it."
- Playing detective is a fun game for children to play that invites them to use their photographic memory. Pick a room for the detective game; a family room or living room works great. Have the kids look around the room for 30 seconds, without telling them what they should be looking for. Once the 30 seconds is up, tell them to close their eyes and have an adult remove an item from the room. When the kids open their eyes back up, they have to look around the room and try to figure out which item was taken.
- Pin the Tail is a classic game that never gets old. One of the best things about Pin the Tail is that it can be transformed no matter the occasion. For birthday parties, you can do Pin the Tail on the Donkey or any other animal the kids would like. This could be tailored to this birthday party theme as well. For instance, if the birthday girl had a Disney princess theme, you could play Pin the Tail on Cinderella. To play this game, put up a large poster of the item to be "pinned." Put a blindfold on each child, one at a time and spin him around three times. After spinning, the kids will try to pin the tail (or any other part) on the poster. Once all of the kids have gone, the kid who got the closest wins the game.
- Mystery Gift Pass is a really fun game to play at a birthday party or other occasion. Before the party, wrap a present with 10 layers of wrapping paper. Put a slip of paper between each layer of wrapping paper with an action or prize. Actions might include having the child hop on one foot 10 times, or to spin around five times with eyes closed. To play the game, have the kids sit in a circle on chairs and play music. The kids will pass the gift around the circle until the music stops, which should be several seconds after you started the music. Whichever kid has the gift in his hand when the music stops, have him remove one layer of wrapping paper. He must either do the action on the slip of paper, or receive the prize. The game continues with the winner being the kid who peels off the final layer of wrapping paper, to receive the gift.
- Mummy Wrap can be a lot of fun to play at parties because at first kids think it is quick and easy, but soon discover the challenges of wrapping with thin toilet paper. To play this game, split the group of kids into pairs and provide them with several rolls of toilet paper. Let the kids choose one of them to be the mummy, and one to be the mummy wrapper. At "Go" the mummy wrappers have to wrap the mummies with toilet paper, from head-to-toe (avoiding the face). The mummy wrapper to complete the mummy wrapping first, wins the game.
Catch the Balloon
Pin the Tail
Mystery Gift Pass
Mummy Wrap