- 1). Sanitize everything that will touch the wine at any stage, including the fermenter bucket and lid, the mixing and measuring spoons, and water container. Use a sanitizing agent or scalding water.
- 2). Heat about a gallon of purified water to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit and pour it into the empty, sanitized fermenter bucket.
- 3). Measure out three teaspoons of dry bentonite for a five- or six-gallon batch of wine. Use more or less according to the amount of finished wine you are making.
- 4). As you rapidly churn the water in the bottom of the fermenter with a long mixing spoon, gradually sprinkle the bentonite powder into the water. Keep mixing and churning the water even after all the powder has been added. Stir vigorously for at least two minutes until the bentonite has completely dissolved.
- 5). Add the grape juice, yeast and other components of the wine in proper order after the bentonite has been dissolved in this manner.