Health & Medical Medicine

Kidney stones - causes, symptoms and treatments

Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of enduring a kidney stone attack will tell you exactly how painful this condition can be. In fact, the pain is most often compared with the pangs of natural childbirth. This is no exaggeration or wishful thinking. The stabbing and shooting pains that accompany a major kidney stone attack can bring you literally to your knees, unable to even drive yourself to proper medical attention. While major pain-killers such as Demerol can do wonders for the immediate discomfort, a victim of a kidney stone attack must still face days of intravenous fluid treatments and possible surgical intervention before getting substantial relief. A permanent change in diet and lifestyle is often required, and the patient still faces the chance of several reoccurances over a lifetime. Prevention is the true key to avoiding serious kidney stone attacks, but heredity and gender are usually working against those who have a predisposition to kidney disease.

So what are the warning signs and symptoms of a kidney stone attack? It's difficult to be specific, because you may experience any combination of some general symptoms. Some kidney stone sufferers may feel a dull, non-descript pain in their lower back for days, while others are suddenly crippled by extremely sharp pains. These symptoms and warning signs are intended to be a general layman's guide to self-diagnosing a possible kidney stone attack, not a substitute for proper medical attention. If you feel pains that are unrelenting and strong, seek a doctor's care as soon as possible. Don't wait until the actual attack begins- a simple in-office urine test can usually diagnose a kidney stone condition long before the actual attack.

Here are the most common symptoms and warning signs of a kidney stone attack:

1. Medical history and gender. Although women are just as likely to develop kidney problems, the majority of kidney stone sufferers are men. Some researchers believe that a family history of kidney problems can significantly increase your own chances of developing kidney stones. Check out any known family medical history that indicates a predisposition to kidney stones. Forewarned can be forearmed. If you know that kidney stone attacks run in the family, make sure you use good preventive measures, such as increasing your non-sugared, non-caffeine fluid intake and avoiding excessive dairy consumption, especially at night. Never intentionally work your body into a state of severe dehydration, which may occur if you work long hours at a physically demanding job or spend too much time in the heat. Always take plenty of water breaks when working excessive hours. Those who are prone to kidney stone attacks should never be far from two things- a good water supply and a bathroom. Withholding urination for an extended amount of time will work against you in the long run.For more information read this blog
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