Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Anti-Aging - Deadly Skin Sins and How to Avoid Them (Part 2)

Here we take a look at the other 4 deadly skin sins to prevent aging.
So get your I.
ready! By adhering to the following principles, you will be getting carded for many years to come.
Stress- Now there is no way to eliminate stress from our lives, but we can manage how we deal with it.
The next time you find yourself getting all worked up over the nasty co-worker of yours, remember that stress increases adrenal hormones which have been attributed to increased cases of adult acne in adult career women.
Stress also elicits the "fight or flight" response in our bodies, which sends blood away from our skin that results in gray pallor.
And stressed skin does not accept skin care as well as relaxed skin.
(Now you know why they make sure you are relaxed at facials.
) Hide some lavender in your desk and sniff whenever your stress levels rise.
Or put a few drops in your bath water.
Exercise and deep breathing are also ways to increase calming chemicals in your body.
Lack of sleep- Getting the right amount of sleep is crucial to good skin as nighttime is when the skin repairs itself.
Many important activities occur such as building new cells and replacing collagen and elastin happen at nighttime.
Your skin also accepts skin treatments more effectively at night.
Not only that, a lack of sleep causes it own side effects such as dark circles and puffy eyes.
You can even get pimples from lack of sleep.
Pollution- Pollution and other chemicals are another cause of free radicals which can contribute greatly to aging.
The average person eats 11 pounds of food additives and pesticides each year and inhales 2 grams.
While it is nearly impossible to completely avoid pollution, you can greatly reduce your exposure to pollutants by increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables (choose organic when possible) which help you fight free radical damage.
Lack of exercise-Exercising increased the levels of oxygen in your blood thus leading to a more radiant complexion.
Exercise also reduces the levels of toxins under your skin, increases your tolerance of stress and helps you to sleep.
All important factors in creating a more beautiful you!
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