Updated July 15, 2011.
Definition: Screenagers are teenagers who are addicted to technology, such as computer games, the internet or their mobile phones. The term has been attributed to Dr Richard Graham, Consultant Psychiatrist at Capio Nightingale Hospital, London, UK, who developed the UK's first treatment program for screenagers.
Pronunciation: scrEEn - A - jerz
Also Known As: teenage video game addicts teenagers with media addiction teenagers with computer addictions
Common Misspellings: screen agers
Examples: A new treatment program for young people addicted to technology hopes to turn screenagers back into teenagers.
Definition: Screenagers are teenagers who are addicted to technology, such as computer games, the internet or their mobile phones. The term has been attributed to Dr Richard Graham, Consultant Psychiatrist at Capio Nightingale Hospital, London, UK, who developed the UK's first treatment program for screenagers.
Pronunciation: scrEEn - A - jerz
Also Known As: teenage video game addicts teenagers with media addiction teenagers with computer addictions
Common Misspellings: screen agers
Examples: A new treatment program for young people addicted to technology hopes to turn screenagers back into teenagers.