- Megaupload is a site that allows users to upload large files online so that other viewers can stream videos and other large, hard-to-find files straight to their computers. Many video blog owners will store episodes of the series they target and allow other viewers to watch from their upload. Megaupload is a free service that allows anyone to watch up to an hour and a half of free streaming video. After you have met your streaming limit you will be required to wait three hours before you can view another hour and a half of streaming video. If you enjoy streaming videos to your computer from Megaupload, you can subscribe to their member services for $9.99 a month (price current as of September 2009) to enjoy unlimited streaming capabilities and the chance to upload your own videos for other members to view. (See "References," below.)
- Many TV stations like NBC and ABC will put new episodes of the series they run online so that viewers can watch their favorite series right from their computers at whatever time works for them. These sites are completely free to use, but have commercials just like on TV. Also, these sites don't normally have the newest episode uploaded on the night it airs; new episodes are usually uploaded the day after they air on TV. To view these videos, simply go to NBC's main page and click "Watch Video" from the top tool bar. You will be taken to a list of movies and TV series that you can watch online. Click the series you wish to watch and you will be taken to an episode and at times a series list; simply select the series and episode you wish to watch and NBC's video player will start the show. To watch shows on ABC, go to ABC's main page and click "Watch episodes" from the top navigation bar. Just like NBC's page, you will be taken to a list of series to choose from. Pick the series you want to watch and then choose the season and episode on the next screen. Once you have made your selection, ABC will load their video player in your web browser and your video will start. (See "References" and "Resources," below.)
- Netflix is a service that offers the ability to stream high-quality movies and TV series straight to your computer. Netflix costs $8.99 a month (price current as of September 2009) for unlimited video streaming, and even offers the choice for users to have DVDs mailed to their homes. Once the customer is done viewing the DVD, she can mail it back to Netflix and select another video she wishes to have mailed to her house. (See "References," below).
Network-Hosted Websites