Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

How to Improve Instruction Through Effective Teacher Evaluation Options for States & Districts

    • 1). Publish your evaluation documents in advance and take the time to explain the documents to teachers. Much like giving a student a rubric for an assignment, publishing your evaluation documents before you use them will help the teachers understand your expectations for their instructional techniques.

    • 2). Visit a teacher's classroom and stay for at least one full class period. Use your evaluation documents to take notes about the teacher's instructional style in positive and constructive ways, and observe the effect that the instruction has on the students.

    • 3). Schedule a meeting with the teacher and go over the evaluation based on your notes. Include the details of what you observed as well as your commentary on that observation. Tell the teacher what she did well and also what she should improve in her instruction. Give positive, actionable steps she can take to improve her instruction and guide her to resources that might assist her, such as books or teaching mentors.

    • 4). Observe the teacher a second time later on in the semester or school year. Make note of any steps he took to follow your guidelines from the last observation, and mark the progress he has made. Continue to take notes on ways he can improve his instruction as well as the instructional techniques he uses that seem to be working well for his students.

    • 5). Meet with the teacher again and go over your second evaluation. Discuss her students' performance ratings in class as well as the different instructional techniques she uses that seem most effective for students. Encourage her to continue her growth and provide more resources for her to improve her instruction.

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