There are a lot of different types of airsoft fields available for your battles to take place on.
There are open ares like woods and fields, indoor close quarter and simulated urban combat areas.
Even obstacle courses are becoming a popular option.
Picking the right airsoft field really comes down to knowing the type of battle you want to engage in then match it to the proper field.
There is a big difference from field type to field type and the people who own the property also play an important role.
If you or your group are interested in going to one of these sites there are a few key things you should be aware of when it comes to the operation of these battlefields.
The first thing is that during an air soft battle stress,tension and sometimes tempers run high.
But no matter how heated the battle gets you must remember you are on someone else property and you must treat it with respect.
Even though you are on someone else land you are responsible for your own safety gear and proper behavior.
Refrain from cursing or other negative behavior towards the operators of the field.
You must respect them and their decisions and if they call you out wait until after the battle to respectfully voice and disagreement.
In the end they are just trying to do a good job and keep the game running smoothly.
If you are a beginner most good fields should have someone on staff that can help you with any questions you may have about the guns, ammunition allowed or overall general rules.
This is similar to a good golf course and their pro shop.
It will give you a place to get equipment or other things you may need to enjoy your day at the field.
If they have a repair shop that makes it even better! You may want to inquire before hand what the maximum allowed velocity is for that particular facility.
For safety reasons many outdoor areas limit the FPS a gun can shoot to 350 FPS.
This is to reduce injury or other damage from modified very powerful guns.
Sometimes they will instate a minimum shot distance instead of limiting FPS.
The common safe distance if this is imposed is 20 feet or so.
Again this is to reduce injury and damage! If you are inside doing close quarter battles you can expect a muzzle velocity limit of 250-300 FPS.
This is much lower due to the closer distances between the combatants! Most airsoft fields will make everyone fire their weapon through a chronograph before they are allowed onto the field in order to measure and verify the FPS of your weapon.
Another thing to consider is that many outdoor fields want players to use BB's that are biodegradable so their land do not become polluted with little plastic balls, so always call ahead and ask! Although they are a little more money they are better for the environment! If you forget to bring biodegradable BB's most fields sell them at a fair price.
You are also going to have to take their schedule of operations and price into consideration.
After all they are providing you with a play area in order to make money like any good business does.
Although make sure that they are not over priced and if you feel they are you can always try and negotiate a lower rate.
If they sell equipment and you buy it from them they may even offer you a discount for being a good customer.
To find a local field just do a Google search for "airsoft field in your state" example "airsoft field in Illinois"! By keeping your state in the search title you will get much more targeted results! If you find an area that offers time for soft air battles you may find that it is private property or even an old golf course or warehouse.
If you cannot find a local are to do battle then you may want to go online and find an airsoft forum.
These are usually full of enthusiasts who can hep you find the closest field to your location.
There are open ares like woods and fields, indoor close quarter and simulated urban combat areas.
Even obstacle courses are becoming a popular option.
Picking the right airsoft field really comes down to knowing the type of battle you want to engage in then match it to the proper field.
There is a big difference from field type to field type and the people who own the property also play an important role.
If you or your group are interested in going to one of these sites there are a few key things you should be aware of when it comes to the operation of these battlefields.
The first thing is that during an air soft battle stress,tension and sometimes tempers run high.
But no matter how heated the battle gets you must remember you are on someone else property and you must treat it with respect.
Even though you are on someone else land you are responsible for your own safety gear and proper behavior.
Refrain from cursing or other negative behavior towards the operators of the field.
You must respect them and their decisions and if they call you out wait until after the battle to respectfully voice and disagreement.
In the end they are just trying to do a good job and keep the game running smoothly.
If you are a beginner most good fields should have someone on staff that can help you with any questions you may have about the guns, ammunition allowed or overall general rules.
This is similar to a good golf course and their pro shop.
It will give you a place to get equipment or other things you may need to enjoy your day at the field.
If they have a repair shop that makes it even better! You may want to inquire before hand what the maximum allowed velocity is for that particular facility.
For safety reasons many outdoor areas limit the FPS a gun can shoot to 350 FPS.
This is to reduce injury or other damage from modified very powerful guns.
Sometimes they will instate a minimum shot distance instead of limiting FPS.
The common safe distance if this is imposed is 20 feet or so.
Again this is to reduce injury and damage! If you are inside doing close quarter battles you can expect a muzzle velocity limit of 250-300 FPS.
This is much lower due to the closer distances between the combatants! Most airsoft fields will make everyone fire their weapon through a chronograph before they are allowed onto the field in order to measure and verify the FPS of your weapon.
Another thing to consider is that many outdoor fields want players to use BB's that are biodegradable so their land do not become polluted with little plastic balls, so always call ahead and ask! Although they are a little more money they are better for the environment! If you forget to bring biodegradable BB's most fields sell them at a fair price.
You are also going to have to take their schedule of operations and price into consideration.
After all they are providing you with a play area in order to make money like any good business does.
Although make sure that they are not over priced and if you feel they are you can always try and negotiate a lower rate.
If they sell equipment and you buy it from them they may even offer you a discount for being a good customer.
To find a local field just do a Google search for "airsoft field in your state" example "airsoft field in Illinois"! By keeping your state in the search title you will get much more targeted results! If you find an area that offers time for soft air battles you may find that it is private property or even an old golf course or warehouse.
If you cannot find a local are to do battle then you may want to go online and find an airsoft forum.
These are usually full of enthusiasts who can hep you find the closest field to your location.