A wedding photographer's job is to capture the most memorable moments of the celebration. It's great to have a laid out plan of some of the more traditional shots that you would like to take. In this article you will find many traditional setups for wedding photos.After the ceremony photos have been taken, it's always great to do some formal shots. This way you are ensuring that all of the family members and members of the bridal party have their photo taken. You may want to start with the Bride and her family. Here are some shots you will want to take, or at least consider taking:Bride with MotherBride with FatherBride with ParentsBride with SiblingsBride with GrandparentsBride with whole FamilyCouple with Bride's parentsCouple with Bride's grandparentsYou will want to repeat these shots with the GroomGroom with MotherGroom with FatherGroom with ParentsGroom with SiblingsGroom with GrandparentsGroom with whole FamilyCouple with Groom's parentsCouple with Groom's grandparentsHere are some more great options to choose from. These shots include the wedding party. They are:Bride with BridesmaidsGroom with GroomsmenBride with Maid of HonorGroom with Best ManEntire Wedding party with CoupleThe above mentioned are some of the traditional photos taken with the bridal party, but you can also try some of these additions if you have time.Bride with flower girlsGroom with Ring BearerBride with each Bridesmaid individuallyGroom with each Groomsmen individuallyGroom with BridesmaidsBride with GroomsmenOnce the formal portraits have been taken, it is likely that the reception will soon follow. You will have wanted to have the timeline of the event ahead of time, so that you can be ready for all of the shots that will be suggested in the next article. In the next article the reception photography suggestions will be featured. Just to give you an idea of some of the shots, think about the entrance, the first dance, bride's dance with dad, cutting of the cake, throwing of the bouquet, and the toast.
A timeline is a great way to organize your wedding photo shoots. It's always a great idea to get an event timeline from the Bride & Groom, or the wedding coordinator ahead of time so that you can schedule all of the sessions accordingly. Being organized in a timely manner will ensure that you get the most shots taken in the amount of time given. With this article you should already have a great start to an outline or timeline for your wedding photography shoot.
A timeline is a great way to organize your wedding photo shoots. It's always a great idea to get an event timeline from the Bride & Groom, or the wedding coordinator ahead of time so that you can schedule all of the sessions accordingly. Being organized in a timely manner will ensure that you get the most shots taken in the amount of time given. With this article you should already have a great start to an outline or timeline for your wedding photography shoot.