- Anesthesiologists who practiced in Florida earned a mean annual income of $223,390 as of May 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Florida's 1,660 anesthesiologists earned mean hourly wages of $107.40. The bottom 10 percent of Florida-based anesthesiologists earned less than $121,510. The top 75 percent of Florida's anesthesiologists earned more than $166,400 per year.
- Wages for Florida-based anesthesiologists can vary significantly based on the part of the state where they practice. Anesthesiologist who practiced in the Ft. Lauderdale area earned a median annual income of $322,971 as of April 2011, according to Salary.com. Jacksonville, Florida-based anesthesiologists earned median annual wages of $313,335. Anesthesiologists who practiced in Orlando earned median annual wages of $306,689, while those who practiced in Pensacola earned median wages of $284,427 per year.
- As a comparison to Florida, the median annual income for anesthesiologists from across the United States was $332,274 as of April 2011, according to Salary.com. The top 10 percent of anesthesiologists in the U.S. earned in excess of $419,710 per year while the bottom 10 percent earned annual wages of less than $242,790. The Bureau of Labor Statistics placed the median annual income for U.S. based anesthesiologists at $211,750 as of 2009, while CNNMoney.com placed the 2009 median income at $292,000.
- Anesthesiologists must complete at least four years of additional training after earning their doctorate from medical school. They are trained in a number of specialty areas, including cardiology, internal medicine, pharmacology, critical care medicine and surgery. New job opportunities for all physicians and surgeons, including specialists such as anesthesiologists, should increase by 22 percent between 2008 and 2018, according to the bureau. The best paying jobs for physicians are usually found in large metropolitan areas, but those who are willing to work in rural communities should have greater employment opportunities.
Florida Wages
Regional Wages
National Wages