Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms: Week 6 of Pregnancy

Week 6 of Pregnancy – Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

Welcome to your Guide to Pregnancy – Week 6.

At this point in your pregnancy, your little one is measured crown to rump as their legs are forming close to the body and will not straighten out for several more weeks.   Your baby measures about the size of the head of a  push pin tack!  Eyes, ears, cheeks and chin are all taking shape.  If you were to look inside and take a peek your baby is starting to look somewhat human…but maybe a little more alien at this point.  Not to worry, that is what the next 34 weeks are for! 

Your baby's teeny, tiny heart is beating and getting faster and faster everyday.  At 6 weeks, the embryo heart beats about 80 times per minute.  Your doctor might be able to see it flutter with the use of an ultrasound.

All pregnancies are different.  You may experience all of the symptoms and then some or you may experience only a handful to none.  Just keep in mind that your pregnancy is unique to your body.  Some of your symptoms may have carried over from last week and/or some new ones may have appeared.

Some of the symptoms you may be experiencing are:
  • Aversions to smells and food…or you may be craving foods that you never thought twice about
  • White vaginal discharge
  • Bloating and flatulence.  Many women mistake this for "showing" but unfortunately it is more likely that you are bloated
  • Excess saliva
  • Nausea – with or without vomiting
  • Fatigue and/or lack of motivation
  • PMS-like symptoms such as weepiness, mood swings and irritability
  • Disbelief that there is actually a baby growing in your body

Depending on your doctor, many women will have their first prenatal appointment between 6-8 weeks.  The first prenatal appointment is typically the longest appointment.  Your doctor will perform a complete health history for you, your significant other and family histories for both.  Your doctor will go over any prior medical problems, previous pregnancies and current conditions.  Be sure to inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you currently are taking – including herbal and holistic supplements and vitamins.  Typically your doctor will perform a pelvic exam and Pap smear.  Your doctor might schedule an ultrasound to date your pregnancy, especially, if you are not sure of when your last menstrual period was.

As mentioned in our previous weekly articles, avoid alcohol, drugs and smoking.  This is a critical time in your baby's development and none of the above is worth risking the life and well-being to your unborn child or to you.

Have you told anyone about your pregnancy?  It is such a life-changing event that it can be incredibly hard to keep it a secret!  You may want to shout it out to the world right away.  Or, you may feel like holding onto your juicy little secret a little while longer.  Miscarriage is often in the back of your worrisome mind, and many people chose to keep it a secret until the chances of miscarriage subside.  Our advice, share the news with anyone you would feel comfortable (and need) telling them about a miscarriage too.  Close family and friends can be a huge support system in the event that the pregnancy becomes unviable.  What should you do…do what feels right to you and your significant other.

Click here for your free Week-by-Week Pregnancy Guide.
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