Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

The Causes Of Hair Loss - Explore All Hair Loss Remedies Available To You

Hair loss is a normal phenomenon: each hair follows a life cycle that, once reached, causes his downfall. However, this process can become abnormal when the hair falls excessively. But what can we do in case of hair loss? Before starting a treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor or a dermatologist who, after diagnosis, will proscribe an appropriate solution for your hair type. Also, the doctor will analyze the causes of hair loss [], in order to establish the right treatment.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there are several types of hair loss: androgenic alopecia and telogen effluvium (which occurs because of a high fever, pregnancy, drugs, or a strict diet). Genetic hair loss occurs at birth or in childhood.

90% of your hair should be growing at any time. This process lasts for 2-6 years, being followed by 2-3 months of stagnation. Thus, we lose about 50-100 hairs daily, hairs that are replaced by some new ones. The hair lost is renewed permanently.

Hair loss is caused mostly by hereditary factors. It is estimated that this type of hair loss is common in about 95 to 98% of all cases. Androgenetic alopecia can cause baldness, being influenced not only by hereditary factors, but also by age or by the level of testosterone.

Anagen Effluvium or Telogen Effluvium are caused by external factors and can cause a temporary hair loss. In this case, hair loss is reversible and can be treated.

Some medications can cause or contribute to an increased loss of hair. Chemotherapy and corticosteroids are some of the most common drugs that lead to hair loss. Most diuretics increase the level of testosterone, influencing this condition.

Hair loss can have several causes, such as a poor nutrition, improper use of cosmetics, stress, fatigue, and lack of vitamins, stress, genetic factors, diabetes, thyroid dysfunctions, birth and medicines. A diet that doesn't provide enough vitamins and nutrients to our body is one of the most common causes of hair loss. For example, an illness or a major surgery can influence this condition. Also, hormonal changes are responsible for hair loss. If your thyroid gland is overactive, the hair may fall.

The treatment must be chosen depending on your type of hair loss. Recognizing the causes of hair loss may help you to get rid of this problem. Don't forget that preventing hair loss it's easier than treating it.
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