When you start looking at dedicated web hosting, the first thing youll probably hear that this is the most expensive type of web hosting that you can purchase. Its true, it is. But in exchange for that price youll receive a server, storage space, and bandwidth thats all for you. But just what cost exactly are all of those benefits coming with?
With dedicated servers, you can be paying a pretty high price. The lowest cost for a dedicated server will be somewhere around $149 a month; but that will only get you the basic entry-level dedicated server. If youre looking for a dedicated server that will be able to handle the needs of a huge corporation or company, a dedicated server will probably start at an even higher cost of about $400 a month. These servers however typically have multiple processors and different RAID configurations. If you want to use any of these on your server, youll most likely have to purchase extra memory in addition to the monthly server charges.
If youre not going to need to make changes on your server in the near future, actually buying the server itself (instead of renting it for a monthly charge from a web host) might be a good option. If you choose this alternative, you can pay a data center to house your server, and the storage to go along with it, for a fee. This is called colocation hosting. Youll still have access to your server whenever you need it, or you can have the colocation host take care of the updating and maintenance of the server.
Be forewarned that if you have a huge website that gets a lot of visitors a day (50 thousand or more,) colocation is probably not the choice for you and in fact, you might want to choose a managed dedicated server option. Managed dedicated servers are those that the web host will completely manage for you. When there are updates and maintenance to be performed, the web host will do them all for you. Of course, this type of web hosting comes at an additional cost as well.
If you do want to cut down on the costs of your dedicated server, no matter the size of your website or how many visitors it gets every day, you can choose an unmanaged server option. Keep in mind that with this choice, youll need to be able to run and manage your server. If not, youll need to hire an IT consultant, or an entire team of them. And that might not end up saving you as much money as youd like.
Dedicated servers do come with a cost. Theres just no way to get around it. But if youre savvy about it and look into all your different options, you will be able to find a dedicated server thats perfect for you. And one that comes at the right price, too!
With dedicated servers, you can be paying a pretty high price. The lowest cost for a dedicated server will be somewhere around $149 a month; but that will only get you the basic entry-level dedicated server. If youre looking for a dedicated server that will be able to handle the needs of a huge corporation or company, a dedicated server will probably start at an even higher cost of about $400 a month. These servers however typically have multiple processors and different RAID configurations. If you want to use any of these on your server, youll most likely have to purchase extra memory in addition to the monthly server charges.
If youre not going to need to make changes on your server in the near future, actually buying the server itself (instead of renting it for a monthly charge from a web host) might be a good option. If you choose this alternative, you can pay a data center to house your server, and the storage to go along with it, for a fee. This is called colocation hosting. Youll still have access to your server whenever you need it, or you can have the colocation host take care of the updating and maintenance of the server.
Be forewarned that if you have a huge website that gets a lot of visitors a day (50 thousand or more,) colocation is probably not the choice for you and in fact, you might want to choose a managed dedicated server option. Managed dedicated servers are those that the web host will completely manage for you. When there are updates and maintenance to be performed, the web host will do them all for you. Of course, this type of web hosting comes at an additional cost as well.
If you do want to cut down on the costs of your dedicated server, no matter the size of your website or how many visitors it gets every day, you can choose an unmanaged server option. Keep in mind that with this choice, youll need to be able to run and manage your server. If not, youll need to hire an IT consultant, or an entire team of them. And that might not end up saving you as much money as youd like.
Dedicated servers do come with a cost. Theres just no way to get around it. But if youre savvy about it and look into all your different options, you will be able to find a dedicated server thats perfect for you. And one that comes at the right price, too!