Cigars versus cigarettes: which is the lesser evil asks chapel Cigars!
There are claims that stress how much cigars are safer to smoke than cigarettes. Well, this is no a fact at all. It just so happened that cigar smokers are only occasional smokers and majority of the smoking population are into cigarettes so the gauge of how cigars is not that obvious. But, it must be known to people that cigars are not safer at all.
The following are the reasons that would tell you that the choice of smoking cigar is not lesser evil than smoking cigarettes.
€ Tobacco is much in amount in cigars than cigarettes. This fact makes cigar much dangerous for as we all know, there are harmful elements found in tobacco. According to studies, a single cigar contains more tobacco than a whole pack of cigarettes.
€ Experts identified that cigarettes are containing lesser nicotine. Compared with 8 milligrams found in nicotine, cigars have 100 to 200 milligrams. This only shows how much danger cigar could cause over cigarettes.
€ A single cigar a day increases the possibility of acquiring cancer. Cancer involving the lungs, as well as the pancreas is common for those who are into cigar smoking.
€ Cigarette smoke is not as toxic as cigar smoke. As what is shown by studies, cigars must undergo fermentation, this stage produces some of the most cancerous elements. Another thing is that the cigar wrappers are less porous compared to that of cigarettes. This has something to do with combustion. Proper combustion decreases the amount of harmful elements of a cigar or cigarette.
€ For men, cigar smoking is associated with sterility or some problems like erectile dysfunction. The harmful components of a cigar is penetrating much on hormones that may cause this disorder.
These are just some of the harmful effects of cigar smoking and how harmful it could get comparing to cigarettes. The issue here is not what to smoke, cigar or cigarettes? He point is that, smoking is not beneficial at all. Yes, you harm yourself and even harm innocent secondhand-smokers.
Kyle & Tom, owners of Chapel Cigars in Lutz Florida Know the Cigar Industry.
There are claims that stress how much cigars are safer to smoke than cigarettes. Well, this is no a fact at all. It just so happened that cigar smokers are only occasional smokers and majority of the smoking population are into cigarettes so the gauge of how cigars is not that obvious. But, it must be known to people that cigars are not safer at all.
The following are the reasons that would tell you that the choice of smoking cigar is not lesser evil than smoking cigarettes.
€ Tobacco is much in amount in cigars than cigarettes. This fact makes cigar much dangerous for as we all know, there are harmful elements found in tobacco. According to studies, a single cigar contains more tobacco than a whole pack of cigarettes.
€ Experts identified that cigarettes are containing lesser nicotine. Compared with 8 milligrams found in nicotine, cigars have 100 to 200 milligrams. This only shows how much danger cigar could cause over cigarettes.
€ A single cigar a day increases the possibility of acquiring cancer. Cancer involving the lungs, as well as the pancreas is common for those who are into cigar smoking.
€ Cigarette smoke is not as toxic as cigar smoke. As what is shown by studies, cigars must undergo fermentation, this stage produces some of the most cancerous elements. Another thing is that the cigar wrappers are less porous compared to that of cigarettes. This has something to do with combustion. Proper combustion decreases the amount of harmful elements of a cigar or cigarette.
€ For men, cigar smoking is associated with sterility or some problems like erectile dysfunction. The harmful components of a cigar is penetrating much on hormones that may cause this disorder.
These are just some of the harmful effects of cigar smoking and how harmful it could get comparing to cigarettes. The issue here is not what to smoke, cigar or cigarettes? He point is that, smoking is not beneficial at all. Yes, you harm yourself and even harm innocent secondhand-smokers.
Kyle & Tom, owners of Chapel Cigars in Lutz Florida Know the Cigar Industry.