- 1). Convert the music files you wish to transfer to your PSP to a compatible file format such as MP3, MP4 or WAV using iTunes. Do this by selecting songs from your library, right-clicking and selecting "Create MP3 Version," "Create MP4 Version" or "Create WAV Version."
- 2). Load the memory stick into the PSP. It may need to be formatted; if it does, follow the onscreen prompts to do so.
- 3). Connect your PSP to your computer using the USB cable. Once the computer has recognized the device, you will see it in My Computer.
- 4). Locate and open your iTunes music folder. Find the songs you want to transfer to your PSP.
- 5). Select the PSP-compatible versions of the songs you want to transfer to your PSP and copy them to the PSP memory stick by dragging and dropping them from the iTunes folder to the Music folder in the memory stick.