Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Quit Smoking - Smoking Is a Killer Habit

If you are a smoker, there is nothing more important, in terms of your health, than quitting smoking.
Smoking is a killer habit.
It is a fact that freeing yourself from addiction to tobacco can be one of the most challenging tasks you can embark on.
Quitting smoking is hard because nicotine, the major active chemical in tobacco, is a very addictive drug.
Quitting takes hard work and lots of effort, but you can quit smoking.
Passive smoking (smoke inhaled by non-smokers) may be much more dangerous than we had thought.
Scientists studied the effect of exposure to passive smoke and found out that harmful tobacco compounds were higher in passive smokers than in those who are not.
Do not sit near smokers even when outside.
Benefits of Quitting Smoking You will be able to climb stairs, walk without losing your breath and have more control over your life.
Your wife, children and those close to you will be healthier because they will no longer be exposed to passive smoking.
You will be free of morning cough; you will also have more energy to pursue physical activities that are good for your health.
You will live longer and live better; reduce chances of having a heart attack, stroke, lung cancer, emphysema, and other lung diseases.
How to quit smoking • Get ready; make a commitment to quit smoking.
• Make a list of your reasons to quit smoking.
• Make a list that details your smoking habit; how and when you smoke throughout the day.
• Make a realistic plan that will be convenient for you to execute.
• Get the cooperation and involvement of your family and friends.
• Think of ways to avoid smoking or quit smoking.
Tips to Quit Smoking The following are steps to quit smoking that have been tried and found effective: If for instance, you smoke up to ten sticks of cigarettes daily, reduce to eight sticks daily and continue for one week.
After a week, reduce to six sticks a day and continue for one week, then four and then two.
Reduce to one stick a day and continue for one week; then reduce to one stick every other day and continue for two weeks.
Reduce to one stick twice in a week for two weeks and then stop.
This routine allows your body to adjust to the reduced nicotine level.
Your withdrawal symptoms will drop dramatically.
You will also discover that the craving is gone.
During this period you should take note of the following: • Exercise regularly, even if it is twenty minutes of walking or jogging daily.
• Avoid drinking alcohol.
• Avoid Other Smokers.
• Practice relaxation techniques.
• Do anything to get your mind off smoking.
• Patience, strong will power and determination are required to accomplish this goal of stopping and quitting smoking.
• Be prepared for some health problems after giving up the smoking habit.
• See your doctor regularly.
• Do not be discouraged or disheartened but press on with your program headlong and honestly.
Achieving a smoke-free life is a desirable goal.
Imagine how good you will look; how good the food will taste and how much better your clothes will smell if you stop smoking.
You can do it! Take positive action; it is achievable!
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