Health & Medical Eating & Food

Sources of Dehydrated Food

    • Hurricanes can cause power failures for weeks.furacao image by god85 from

      Keeping dehydrated food on hand is useful for many situations you may encounter, such as severe weather. During snowstorms or hurricanes, electricity may go out for days or even weeks. Dehydrated food is easy to take on camping trips, hiking or other outdoor activities. People are also obtaining food that can be stored for long periods of time, such as dehydrated or freeze-dried food, for personal use during potential world crises. There are a number of places to obtain quality dehydrated food.

    Survival Acres

    • Snowstorms can shut down travel.easter winter blast image by Jeannine Comeau from

      Survival Acres has dehydrated food from two sources in a one-stop shop. They offer products from Rainy Day Foods and Mountain House. The company offers more than 1,800 different food products, a combination of freeze-dried and dehydrated products. Products such as grains, flours and pancake mix, as wel as dried fruit, can be purchased. According to Survival Acres, some dehydrated food can have a shelf life of up to 30 years under good conditions. The company provides information about how dehydrated foods are kept and prepared.

    Your Food Storage

    • A company called Your Food Storage packages their own food. On their website, the company states that they package, store and ship all of their food. They have individual products such as beans or apples or baking products, like baking soda and butter powder. The company also offers kits for a 1-year supply of food. The kits can be purchased for one person or up to nine or 10 people.

      The company states that their 1-year packs are developed for nutritional value by a licensed Army nutritionist who is experienced in survival and long-term food storage. The food does not contain any genetically modified foods or MSG. Food is packed at the time orders are placed.

    Best Prices Storable Foods

    • Best Prices Storable Food offers dehydrated foods in individual or bulk packages. According to the Best Prices Storable Foods website, the company started in 1994. The company states that they were the first to market the bulk 1-year supply of food (for four people). The company says that their food products are "ideal" for use on boats and ships when fresh sources of food can't be obtained. They also promote emergency preparedness.

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