Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea And Skin Care

Numerous experiments and studies were made regarding the study of the skin benefits of drinking tea. Studies have concluded that one of the benefits of drinking green tea is decreasing the injury that the sun rays can give us. The said tea excretes compounds that enables defense against harmful sunrays through appeasing radicals from the atmosphere. It also decreases irritation from the sunrays. Thus, tea develops greater defense from the sunrays if it is used as sunblock as well.

A study of the benefits of drinking green tea regarding skin care

A study conducted in '05 showed restrained maturing of the skin when exposed to UV rays. This study is the result of putting on ointment made from tea and having the benefits of drinking tea two times a day. It was also shown in the study that the skin's flexible tissue components that underwent the said study had been enriched. Even with the technology we have today, studies are still to be made in order to know all the benefits of drinking tea regarding, not only the skin, but also the welfare of the health of each and everyone.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea For Betterment of The Skin

One of the best benefits of drinking tea is the skin's betterment. The range of how the benefits of drinking tea regarding the skin is still unknown. Years of study is still needed so that it can be assessed properly. If you are willing to use tea for your skin's betterment then you may do so. Here are tips in skin care with tea.

One of the benefits of drinking green tea is it can give us a defensive shield from harmful sunrays. If sunblock made from tea is used, it can make the effect more operative. Before putting on your trusted sunblock, you may put some tea concoction on your skin. After the tea concoction, you can use it with zinc oxide sunblock. This type of sunblock is known to not have an influence with tea. You should be careful with the sunblock you put on your face with tea. There are some which can cause some chemical reaction with tea and may harm you.

Not only can we have the benefits of drinking tea, we can also have its benefits by including it in our skin care. This will help you more to delay the maturing of the skin. Putting a green tea concoction may not be enough. The detoxifying agents present in the benefits of drinking green tea such as polyphenols get lost when left in the open. You should remember that the effectiveness of green tea skin care products is not yet known to its extent. The result may be different for each tea product.
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