Pets & Animal Pets Cats

Simple Tips for Litter Training Your Cat

Cats are creatures of habit.
They like what they like, no matter what you may say to them.
If they like your chair, then it is now their chair.
If they don't like a particular brand of cat food, you'd better buy something better next time.
And if they learn how to do their business in a litter box, they'll easily take care of themselves from there on out.
If you haven't litter trained your cat, or are experiencing problems with them lately in that regard, here are some things to consider.
When first starting out with a kitten, it's pretty rare to actually find one that isn't litter trained.
Most of the time their mother will teach them what's just natural cat instinct of covering their waste in order to 1.
Not attract predators, and 2.
Not challenge the dominant authority.
If taken from their mothers too soon, kittens may not learn how to properly dispose of their movements, so it's up to you to teach them.
Thankfully, that basic instinct kicks in pretty simply.
All you really have to do is place the litter box somewhere flat and somewhat secluded, preferably in a room without carpet.
This will emphasize the desire to use the litter box as nothing will splash back at them, whereas concrete will allow urine to sprinkle around onto the cat's legs, something they greatly dislike.
Showing the kitten the litter box, giving it a few good scratches with your fingers, and even taking their paws and gently showing them to scratch in the litter will help to get them started.
If however they were previously litter trained and then suddenly stop, you could have a few different problems on your hands.
The first comes down to cleanliness in general.
A cat will almost always prefer to use the litter box to anything else because they want to remain clean, so if there is a dirty litter box, they may wish to go elsewhere.
It could also be a sign that they don't respect you, since covering their droppings is a show of submission/respect.
Leaving it out in the open is a clear challenge to your authority.
There is always the possibility of illness as well, so if it becomes apparent that your cat is sick, make sure to take them to the vet.
Your cat wants to use the litter box at their core, they truly do.
Sometimes it just takes a bit of persuasion on your end to accomplish that task.
Stick with it and a cleaner house will be your reward.
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