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Digital TV Revolution in Europe Boosts Online Marketing in Denmark

The digital TV revolution has gained a solid footing in Europe - the ripples first set of in 2006 in Luxembourg have reached Denmark by way of countries such as Switzerland, Belgium and Germany setting of a major surge in online marketing initiatives.

31 October marks the day when TV as the Danes know it will come to an end leaving thousands of Danes caught in a vacuum between the old analog signal and the new digital signal. Amidst the confusion, large Danish satellite companies like Viasat and Canal Digital are caught in a death match struggling to get the biggest piece of the emerging digital TV market.

Online Marketing Warfare
Emerging markets equal marketing warfare, and a few of the major companies have turned it up a notch utilizing alternate digital channels and tactics to get their message out to the prospects.

Online marketing is one of the hot new approaches that some of the Danish companies have added to their quiver of marketing weapons. As a result PPC/SEO campaigns, Banner Adds and Micro Sites are becoming increasingly central in the struggle to dominate search engine results.

"We've seen a dramatic increase in click prices for search phrases related to the transition to digital TV signal" Says Senior SEM Specialist Mikkel Ipsen of Deducta Online Marketing ApS - a direct indication that more and more companies are becoming aware of the huge potential of search engine marketing.

From Offline to Online
A quick search on reveals 322,000 hits for the phrase "digital TV" (Danish pages only) with the above-mentioned companies figuring among the top ten organic results - quite a different picture than 12 months ago when the same companies almost exclusively were present in offline media.

A few of the large companies have successfully merged their offline and online commercial communication creating a strong feeling of continuity between the various online and offline campaigns.

A good example is Viasat who achieved viral status by merging their TV commercials with their online digital TV campaign. The TV commercials featured talking garden elves that caused quite a stir when they suddenly appeared on landing pages and banner adds. As a matter of fact, Viasat has a Facebook profile and youtube channel dedicated exclusively to the garden elves.

For now the Danish online marketing battle is on between the Danish digital TV competitors - as for who wins, only time will tell.

Check out the garden elves from the digital tv campaign and get inspiration for your own campaigns!
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