- The one dish meal, while an inventor cannot be named, probably began life during prehistoric times when whatever food stores were available were thrown into a pot and cooked for the dinner of the tribe. Soups and stews made with harvested vegetables and hunted game were most likely the first one dish meals. As cooking processes advanced from an open fire to microwaves and convection ovens, the one dish meal has survived and thrives for busy homemakers.
- One dish meals provide the cook a way of feeding her family without a lot of fuss. Because only one dish or pot is used in the preparation, after meal cleanup is efficient as the only the main serving dish needs to be washed. One dish meals also allows for the combining of various leftovers into a new meal that is fresh and appealing to those gathered around the table to eat.
- Types of one dish meals range from simple soups to elaborate meals such as beef stroganoff or Italian lasagna. Many one dish meals are considered to be comfort foods with macaroni and cheese topping the list. Pot pies, another popular one dish meal, are most often made with chicken or turkey and vegetable leftovers from previous meals. The crock pot revolutionized one dish meals with the idea that a busy homemaker could have dinner waiting to be served when returning home from work.
- Most one dish meals combine a meat, one or more vegetables and a starch such as pasta or rice. These meals can be oven baked, top of the stove creations or cooked outdoors in a Dutch oven. Since most meals are prepared by simply combining ingredients, one dish meals are a good way to introduce children to cooking.
- One dish meals can be made to feed a single person or a crowd. Many pot luck meals include numerous one dish meals meant to serve a number of people. Casserole dishes that can be warmed up in minutes are a popular way to introduce yourself to new neighbors, or to give as a gift for new mothers.
- While many one dish meals are an inexpensive way to use leftovers, many dishes require costly ingredients and are labor intensive. The only advantage to these more elaborate dishes is the clean up process.