Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Carmen Lee-Sargeant, owner of The Grand Beauty Spa. I'm going to demonstrate how to texture hair wavy. The first thing that you're going to want to do is you're going to want to curl the hair in different sections. Once your hair is curled, you're going to grab the hair and you're going to slightly grab a piece of hair and push it in, grab another section of the hair and push it up, grab another section and push it up and you're creating these textured waves in the hair. So you start holding the hair on the bottom, grab a little piece of hair and just push up, grab another section and slide it up. And you keep doing this throughout the hair and you're going to create beautiful texture in wavy hair. You can even scrunch it. We'll grab another section over here, just hold the ends and just slightly push up little pieces of hair and you're going to create beautiful textured waves. Do one more section here and you can move them around. So, there you have it. That's how you texture wavy hair. Don't forget, just take small sections and push them up with your fingers and do this throughout the whole head. It creates beautiful texture in wavy hair. I'm Carmen. Thank you for watching.