Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Dos and Don't of Traveling While Pregnant

Dos and Don't of Traveling While Pregnant

Dos and Don'ts of Traveling While Pregnant

Learn the ins and outs of traveling safely when you're expecting a baby.

Pregnancy Travel: Be Prepared

Regardless of how you travel, it's important to have your creature comforts with you such as snack foods and vitamins. This can be even more important when traveling while pregnant. "How prepared you are also depends on where you are traveling to," Chervenak says. "If you are heading to London or Paris, there is likely plenty of good water or snacks available, but if you are going someplace more rural then you have to consider bringing these things with you."

If you are planning to travel to an exotic location, contact the CDC at 800-311-3435 to receive safety information along with the relevant immunization facts.

The American Pregnancy Association recommends protecting your stomach in other countries by drinking bottled water, canned juices, or soft drinks, making sure the milk is pasteurized, and steering clear of fresh fruits and vegetables unless they have been cooked or can be peeled; make certain that all meat and fish has been cooked thoroughly.

"Try to avoid eating in iffy restaurants," Nye adds.
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