Health & Medical Health Care

Natural Health Care for Anti-Aging

Anti-Aging Medicine Anti-aging medicine has become all the rage these days, as people are looking for ways to not only live a healthier life, but to have that health and vitality last well into their later years.
Imagine being able to live an active lifestyle and look young well into your sixties, seventies, or even eighties, still being able to do all the things you love.
Anti-aging medicine is not an exact science, as everyone has their own unique picture of health.
But regardless of who you are, an effective anti-aging routine will involve addressing 3 areas which all go together: How you look, the health of your body, and how you feel mentally and emotionally.
Taking Care of Your Skin Your skin is the only organ in your body that has constant direct exposure to the outside environment.
It is also what people see when they look at you, so taking good care of your skin is important in helping you to look and feel younger.
Basic tips for keeping skin healthy include:
  • Avoiding overexposure to the sun: While getting out in the sun can give you that nice tan, getting too much sun speeds up the aging process in your skin and can cause a number of cosmetic issues such as uneven pigmentation, wrinkles, and loss of collagen (leading to sagging or wrinkled skin).
    In addition, sun exposure increases risk for skin cancer.
    So if you are going to be out in the sun, be sure to use a good sunscreen.
  • Drink water: Our bodies are 60-70 percent water, and water plays an important part in keeping our skin moisturized as well as reducing cell damage and helping to remove waste from the skin.
    Even the best moisturizing creams will be of little benefit if the body isn't hydrated.
  • Moisturizers: There are so many lotions, creams, and moisturizers out there, and most people find their favorites and stick to those.
    Generally, a good moisturizer has antioxidants in it which help to prevent skin damage, and avoids overuse of synthetic chemicals which can damage skin over time.
    Other natural medicines in a moisturizer can help soothe and firm the skin, or repair damaged collagen cells.
  • Exfoliation: There are a number of ways to exfoliate skin cells, unblocking pores and leaving fresh and healthy skin cells.
    Exfoliating products like scrubs, facial washes, or masks can help take off the top layer of dead skin, improving skin health and bringing back that natural glow.
Exercise, Weight, and Sleep A sedentary lifestyle is getting harder to avoid as the majority of jobs involve sitting at a desk and more and more entertainment involves looking at some sort of a screen.
But staying young means staying active, and that can only be done by incorporating physical activity into your life.
While some people submit themselves to rigorous exercise and diet programs as a means to stay fit, this is not the only way to stay looking and feeling healthy.
You can maintain a healthy weight and conditioning level simply through finding activities you like and moderating your caloric intake.
Ask yourself, what do I like to do? Hiking, swimming, riding your bike, playing a sport, going for walks - staying active with whatever you enjoy doing will increase the likelihood that you stick with it.
As for your diet, the number one factor in maintaining a healthy diet is restricting caloric intake.
Eating too many calories - regardless of what food you are eating - is correlated with a number of health risks in addition to the obvious weight gain.
In addition, certain foods such as trans-fats, simple sugars or carbohydrates, and starches, when eaten in excess can all lead to a spike in blood sugar levels which can trigger inflammation in the body and speed up the aging process.
Adequate sleep and rest is also critical in slowing down aging.
When we sleep, our bodies refresh and reset themselves to be prepared for the next day.
Cells repair themselves, hormonal levels rebalance, and our energy reserves build back up.
Getting enough sleep, as well as getting a good quality of sleep, will help your body feel youthful and energized.
Aiming for a healthy weight and level of fitness, in addition to getting adequate rest, will go a long way in helping you to feel and look younger by increasing your energy levels and improving a number of health factors that can prevent disease in the long run.
Especially as we get older and the process of aging begins to take its natural course, these three things can go a long way in keeping us feeling younger than we actually are.
Natural Medicines to Prevent Aging Antioxidants: The term "antioxidant" has built up quite a bit of buzz over the years, to the point where it has taken on almost a magical quality.
But the action of antioxidants is really very simple.
An antioxidant is any substance that helps prevent cell damage by reducing the formation of free radicals in the body, and by reducing inflammation.
Examples include Vitamins A, C, and E, selenium, lycopene, and bioflavonoids.
Antioxidants can be found in many foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, and they can also be taken in supplemental form.
Resveratrol: A lot of hype has come into the media lately regarding this natural medicine, and for good reason.
Resveratrol not only helps prevent a number of cardiovascular issues, but even slows down the processes in the body associated with aging.
It is a powerful antioxidant which helps reduce cellular damage associated with aging, reduces inflammation, and helps activate a gene which prevents the process of aging by protecting cells from DNA damage.
Resveratrol is found in grapes and some other foods, but not in high amounts, so it is most often taken in supplement form.
Adaptogens: These herbal medicines help slow down the aging process by moderating the hormones in the body related to stress.
Excessive stress hormones in the body lead to increased cellular damage and accelerate the aging process.
A few effective adaptogens include ashwaghanda, rhodiola, Siberian ginseng, reishi mushroom, and maca root.
Sleep aids: For people who have difficulty getting enough rest, natural medicines can help improve sleep and keep the body refreshed.
Herbal medicines such as valerian or passionflower, or amino acids like 5-HTP or GABA can help relax the nervous system and help you get a better quality of sleep.
Melatonin can be taken to reset your body's natural circadian rhythms.
Healthy Mindset in Aging A successful approach to anti-aging involves a healthy mindset towards getting older.
In this sense, it is important to be realistic about aging being a fact of life.
Our physical bodies will get older over time regardless of what we do, but our attitude towards this can make a big difference in how we look and feel.
Accepting the increasing limitations of our bodies as we age can help us to enjoy the things we are still capable of, regardless of age.
In staying healthy and active in the ways that are possible, it becomes easier to enjoy life for what it is, and this ability to still appreciate our bodies helps us not only to feel younger, but to look it as well.
There is a natural radiance to life that helps us to feel and look young no matter what age we are.
Sometimes in the responsibility and rule laden world of adulthood it is possible to lose touch with that spark that came so much easier when we were kids.
But that youthful energy isn't gone, it is only dormant and waiting for those imposed expectations to let up a bit so it can express itself.
So take it easy, and remember to enjoy - no matter what age you are, you're still the same kid you've always been.
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